Technology History Timeline Project

  • Textile Machine

    Textile Machine
    It was a machine that was created by Joseph Jacquard. It was called a programmable loom. It is usually used by inserting different kinds of punch cards. It was a turning point for machines and robots. It basically had the feeling of a robot.
  • Telex Messaging Network

    Telex Messaging Network
    This messaging network was used during the ruling of Adolph Hitler. It was used to get the military messages around. It was soon used by the military. They had to keep it cheap so they used the telephone lines instead of the teleprinters. Much more efficient of ways. they had the connected parts of the world so people can get it all around the place.
  • First Colossus Operation

    First Colossus Operation
    This computer or contraption was designed by Tommy Flowers. He was a British engineer during WWII. The Colossus was a decoding machine for the British so when the Nazi's were sending secret codes, the machine constantly spewed out possible solutions for that certain code. It has about 2,500 vacuum tubes and a series of pulleys in it. They made 10 machines of it's kind. Some historians believe that it shortened the war, becasue of how fast it could decode.
  • Walking Truck

    Walking Truck
    It was a General Electric Walking Truck was a 3,000 pound four-legged robot. It was able to walk up to four miles an hour. A computer would be powering the device. Ralph Moser developed the machine.
  • Rancho Arm

    Rancho Arm
    It is an arm that was used in General Motors automobile factory in New Jersey. It would work as a welding and extracted castings for vehicles. It was basically the first industrial robot online in a assembly line.
  • Atlas Computer

    Atlas Computer
    The Atlas Computer was run by Tom Kilburn at the University of Manchester. With what they did, they could switch users and still have the same data. It's virtual memory permitted a computer to use its storage capacity for the people that were using this computer. People believed that the computer was the worlds first super computer, and was a very powerful computer in it's time.
  • SABRE Technology

    SABRE Technology
    The system that is known as IBM's SABRE system. It's an online transaction system set up for American Airlines. It uses telephone lines to connect the computers, is has links 2,000 terminals in 65 cities, it has 7090 computers. It makes the flight data so fast, in about three seconds or less. Still today many websites still use it like Travelocity.
  • Milacron Corporation

    Milacron Corporation
    It was the first available minicomputer-controlled industrial robot that was available to the public. The robot was called T3. It was developed by Richard Hohn. The nickname for the robot is The Tomorrow Tool. It could also be programmable very easily.
  • The Silver Arm

    The Silver Arm
    This robot was used for small-parts assembly, it would take the parts using the sensors in the robot to see what it is getting. Professor Scheinman was the developer of the whole thing, he crated the Vicarm Inc. The new version of the arm was controlled by a minicomputer.
  • ASEA Robot Company

    ASEA Robot Company
    The European robot company ASEA. The company offers two sizes of electric powered industrial robots. The robots used microcomputer controller for programming. It was two robots that they created.
  • Apple Computer lanuches Macintosh

    Apple Computer lanuches Macintosh
    The Macintosh computer was a big step becasue it has the first successful mouse-driven computer with a graphical user interface. It's price was $2,500. It had color graphics and had 4K of RAM, kind of powerful. Big step in computers, but some people just now focus on their IPads, IPhones, and etc.
  • REX Robot

    REX Robot
    This robot was the first auto digging machine. It sensed and planned to excavate areas, and it won't damage buried gas pipes. It used a hyper sonic air knife to erode soil around the pipes. Very useful for mines and quarry's.
  • The Ambler

    The Ambler
    It was a robot that has energy-efficient overlapping gaits. It was developed as a tested for research in walking robots operating in bad terrain, such as the snow, rain, mountains, and etc.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    In CERN in Switzerland what we know today as, (www) was invented. Tim Berners-Lee writes the program up in about three months on his advanced NeXT computer. It would then feature the HTML, URLs, and the browser we use today. It just then creates everything we do today, in the world.
  • WiFiI Arrives

    WiFiI Arrives
    The WiFi little box the IEEE 802.11b short-ranged radio networking. Next year Apple released the Airport, which is a wifi box for places. They then proceed to build WiFi into the Macs they have. With the invention of WiFi people started to go away form the cables.