Technology Experience Timeline

  • Gateway Computer

    Gateway Computer
    The first home computer I ever owned was hooked up in the basement. It took 20 minutes to boot up, but it was my first real experience with a computer. Thankyfully they have gotten better since then!
  • Internet for the masses!

    Internet for the masses!
    Aol, Prodigy, and Comuserv allow the regular joe to use the internet at home. Thie would allow anyone, as long as they have a computer, to use the internet at home for a fee (or free AOL CD).
  • Creation of First e-mail account

    Creation of First e-mail account
    My first AOL e-mail account was created (rarely used then), but I thought it was awesome. I still use that e-mail address It might have taken forever to connect using Dial up, but it was the way of the 90's.
  • First Generation of Flash Drive

    First Generation of Flash Drive
    The first Generation of flash drives are realeased to the public. This is an amazing profuct that EVERY teacher, student, or anyone needing to carry digital photos/documents around can have. They have become easier and smaller to use in everyday life.
  • Recieved my first laptop computer

    Recieved my first laptop computer
    On starting my college journey I receivedmy first laptop computer that had the capability to watch TV and DVD's. I never knew a computer could do that till then!
  • Iphone 4 Released

    Iphone 4 Released
    Iphone 4 is realeased to the public.
  • Smartboard in the Classroom

    Smartboard in the Classroom
    Smart introduced the lower-cost Smart Board 400 series interactive whiteboard...These made a huge impact in education! Just about every school I have been to have these in the classroom and use them everyday! It's a great technology for the classroom and allow teacher's to do so many cool things! Such as watch videos, create projects, show examples, etc.
  • First buy a Smart Phone

    First buy a Smart Phone
    I finally upgrade to an Iphone 4 and have my first "smart phone" experience. I still have this cell phone and should probably upgrade to a better version. It was my first taste of the new smart phone/ipad era.