
By 190160
  • ABC Computer

    The ABC computer stands for The Atanasoff Berry Computer. it was invented by John Atanasoff & Clifford Berry.
  • Harvard Mark I Computer

    It was invented by Howard Aiken & Grace Hopper.
  • The Transistor

    The Transistor
    The Transistor was invented by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & Wiliam Shockley. It is a semiconductor device used to increase.
  • UNIVAC Computer

    UNIVAC Computer
    The UNIVAC Computer was invented by John Presper Eckert & John W. Mauchly. It was the first commercial made in the U.S.
  • FORTRAN Computer Programming Language

    It was invented by John Backus & IBM. It was the first sucessful programing language.
  • ERMA and MICR

    It was the first bank buisness computer.
  • The Integrated Circuit

    The Integrated Circuit
    The Integrated Circuit was invented by Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce. It is a set of electronic circuits on one small chip.
  • Spacewar Computer Game

    Spacewar Computer Game
    The first computer game invented. Spacewar is a multiplayer game were you bettle each other.
  • The "Floppy" Disk

    The "Floppy" Disk
    A Floppy Disk is a disk that holds your storage. It was invented by Alan Shugart &IBM.
  • MS-DOS Computer Operating System

    This operating system was invented by Microsoft. It is first widely-installed operating system in personal computers.
  • Microsoft Windows

    Microsoft begins the friendly battle with Apple.
  • Computer Mouse & Windows

    Computer Mouse & Windows
    It was invented by Douglas Engelbart. A mouse has two buttons and a scrol.
  • MacBook Light

    It has a full size keyboard and has an all day battery life.
  • Online Networked, Mobile and Cloud Computing

    This will be everywhere from sirplanes, cars, and houses.
  • PC and Computing Technologies

    In 2050 the technology will increase alot. The computers will be protable and maybe even hand held.