Peas and a pod iPod project
80 iPods 1:1 in all kinder classrooms -
Period: to
Implementation of Technology and the Common Core
Period: to
Goal: exposure and ease into daily technology use
Full day training bring a device and "play" day
2 teachers attend iPad cohort PD
Teachers recieve 10 iPads an Apple TV and a new laptop to use in thier classrooms -
1 iPad teacher attends cohort 2 receives 10 iPads
Full Day training -
Initial 2 iPad teachers receive class sets of iPads
Monthly training by tech eperts begins during Tuesday PD/PLC time
student portfolios created for all Kinder students
Period: to
Upgrade Network, installation of new projectors and Apple TV in all classooms
Period: to
Integration of Tech for 2nd year teachers exposure for year 1 teachers
Weekly PD begins on Web 2.0 tools for all staff members
All staff members will receive an ipad, Apple TV and a new laptop -
all staff meetings and training materials available through google drive
All staff provided with PD on using Google drive and accessing materials -
all teachers will create PLC notes and supporting evidence and submit via google drive
All teachers will design 1 student project utilizing a web 2.0 tool for Trimester 3
All students will have a student portfolio on google Drive
all students will have a minimum of 1 web 2.0 projects upleaded into their online student portfolio