
By SorenL
  • Z1 computer

    The Z1 computer was the first freely programable computer, and was invented by Konrad Zuse.
  • Harvard Mark1

    Harvard Mark1
    Was the very first Harvard computer, and its inventors were Howard Aiken, and Grace Hopper.
  • Univac computer

    Was the first commercial computer, and was invented by John Presper Eckert, and John W. Mauchly.
  • IBM 701 EDPM Computer

    IBM 701 EDPM Computer
    This was an international buisness computer, and set many milestones for IBM.
  • ERMA and MICR

    The ERMA and MIICR was the first computer designed for banking.
  • Spacewar

    Spacewar was the very first computer video game.
  • ARPAnet

    ARPAnet was the very first internet for computers.
  • Intel 1103 Computer Memory

    Intel 1103 Computer Memory
    The Intel 1103 was the first computer with an available dynamic ram chip.
  • Floppy Disc

    The floppy disc was a storage unit designed by Alan Shugart and IBM
  • WordStar software

    WordStar software
    Was IMB's first word processor.
  • Apple Lisa computer

    The Apple Lisa was the firs home computer with GUI.
  • Microsoft Windows

    Microsoft Windows
    MIcrosoft star its friendly competition with Apple
  • Wearable Heath Moniter

    This will allow doctors to moniter your health in real time, and will be able to find promblems sooner.
  • Smart Cars

    Smart Cars
    2020 is said to be the release of the smart cars with an estimate of 10 million on the road
  • Computer Brian

    By 2025 it is said the computers as fast as your brain will be widely avalible