
  • first computer

    first computer
    the first computer to be made was called the ENIAC. Its name stands for electronic numerical integrator and computer.
  • Main Frame

    Main Frame
    To create a main frame for a computer it cost 75,000 dollars,. It was designed by John Maulchy
  • Chips

    Jack St. Clair Kilby who lived in Texas, and worked for Texas Instruments. He put a circuit or a chip into a computer so it could have tiny little shortcuts to help make it easier.
  • Video Games

    Video Games
    The first computer video games were made by Spacewar Gaming. It is a space compact war game.
  • Mouse

    The mouse is something connected to your computer with a wire. The mouse is what you move to make your curser on the screen move around. the curser is used to click on new links or anything you need to click on.
  • Microsoft

    Microsoft was founded by Bill gates and Paul Allen. Microsfot is one of the biggest computer and technology producers.
  • Apple

    Apple was founded by Steve Jobs. Apple is also one of the biggest Technology distributor. The produce new phones every year, but they are very pricey but also popular among teens.
  • First laptop

    First laptop
    The first laptop was invented by Osborne Computers. They sold about 10,000 every month.