
By Ada9c
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    Charles Babbage

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    Ada Lovelace

  • Charles Babbage: Engine.

    Charles Babbage: Engine.
    Babbage presented something that he called "difference engine" to the Royal Astronomical Society and in a paper entitled "Note on the application of machinery to the computation of astronomical and mathematical tables."
  • Ada Lovelace: Ada's translation and Notes on the analytical engine are published

    Ada Lovelace: Ada's translation and Notes on the analytical engine are published
    This is her life's achievement; inside is what is consider to by the worlds first computer program.
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    John Von Neuman: Quantom Mech

    He was a pioneer of the application of operator theory to quantum mechanics in the development of functional analysis, and a key figure in the development of game theory and the concepts of cellular automata, the universal constructor and the digital computer.
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    Alan Turing

  • Duglas Engelbart: Human computer interaction.

    Duglas Engelbart: Human computer interaction.
    He is best known for his work on founding the field of human–computer interaction, particularly while at his Augmentation Research Center Lab in SRI International, which resulted in creation of the computer mouse, and the development of hypertext, networked computers, and precursors to graphical user interfaces.
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    Duglas Engelbart

  • Alan Turing: Turing Machine.

    Alan Turing: Turing Machine.
    Turing Machine, this was an idealized computing device that is capable of performing any mathematical computation that can be represented as an algorithm.
  • Tim Bernes-Lee: World Wide Web.

    Tim Bernes-Lee: World Wide Web.
    Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, HTML (hypertext markup language), HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and URLs (Universal Resource Locators) in 1990. Tim Berners-Lee was the primary author of html, assisted by his colleagues at CERN, an international scientific organization based in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Bill Gates: Microsoft

    Bill Gates: Microsoft
    At Harvard. He met his future business partner, Steve Ballmer, whom he later appointed as CEO of Microsoft.
  • Steve Wozniak: Apple co founder

    Steve Wozniak: Apple co founder
    Started selling Apple 1, their first computer.