babies are born!
13 to 15 months
~Stand with light support
~May walk few steps
~Crawls over barriers
~May be able to climb stairs on hands and knees
~Improved grasping skills
~Try to turn door knobs
~Fills empty boxes
~Build small towers of blocks
~Uses spoon
~Notices actions of other children
~Likes looking at picture books
~Vocabulary= 4 to 6 words
~Responds to own name
~Follows simple commands
~Recognize names of major body parts -
16 to 18 months
~Walks fast and runs stiffly
~Unable to kick ball
~Jumps with both feet
~Adds hand gestures
~Begins to scibble
~Builds tower of 3 blocks
~Works on jigsaw puzzles with 1 to 2 pieces
~Inquisitive about everything
~Remembers where objects belong
~Short attention spand
~Vocabulary= 6 to 10 words
~Says "NO" more often
~Obeys commands
~Refers to self by name
~can point to own body parts on request
~Uses 2 word phrases -
19 to 21 months
~Responds to music with whole body
~Walks up and down steps with help
~Can kick large ball
~ Squats easily in play
~Sits from standing quiet easily
~Holds 2 ojects in hands
~Builds tower with 5 or 6 blocks
~Uses one hand more than the other
~vocabulary increases to about 20 words
~matches sounds to the proper animal
~asks "whats that" alot
~interested in bugs
~remember familiar objects
~imitates simple actions -
22 to 24 months
~walks with more coordination
~simple dancing movements
~cant stop quickly when running
~throw ball in basket
~hold crayon with
~likes modeling clay
make objects out of blocks
~vocabulary of 50 or more words
~ask for things
~asks for food and drink when hungry or thirsty
~imitates parents words and actions
~recognize when swhen pictures are upside down
~curious about objects in environment -
24 to 30 month old twins
~can turn pages of a book
~open doors by turning knobs
~can remove wrappers
~kick ball forward
~climbs everywhere
~unable to measure sudden stops
~throws ball overhead
~uses words to make request
~refers to self by name
~two word sentences
~vocabulary of 200 to 500 words
~can follow multi step commands
~understand cause and effect
~likes to listen to music
~solves problems by experience with past experiences -
30 t0 36 month old twins
~walks on tiptoes
~catches large balls
~throws ball overhead
~climbs quickly
~likes to be in constant motion
~goes up stairs alternating feet
~goes down stairs on one foot
~classify objects in categories
~more skilled in putting puzzles together
~recognize self
~can stack rings in the correct order
~try to figure how things work
~two to three word sentences
~(big and small)
~ask name of objects and repeat them
~past tense
~vocabulary is about 900