baby is born !
may stand with only slight support
begins to form concepts -
13-15 months physical
-may be able to stand with only a little bit of supoort
-may creep like a bear
-crawls over small barriers
-may climb out of high chair
-may be able to back down stairs -
13-15 cognitive
-begins to form concepts
-loves to mimic all actions
-discovers ability to make things happen on their own
-slowly increases vocabulary
-has very short memory -
16 to 18 months physical
-may be able to walk sideways
-can stand on either foot
-likes to grab any and everything
-is unable to kick ball, walks into it
-jumps with both feet -
16-18 months cognitive
-has short attention span
-gradually refines concepts
-remembers where object belongs
-vocab increases 6 to 10 words -
19-21 months physical
-jumps foward and in place
-runs without falling often
-holds on to objects in one hand easily
-can fold a peice of paper
-uses one hand more than other -
19-21 months congnitive
-can look at books for long periods of time
-progresses from simple imatation
-can remmeber objects
-can comeplete simple puzzles
-can obtain familar objects without seeing them -
22-24 months physical
-walk sideways and backwards with ease
-can jump with both feet on the floor
-walks with more coordination
-can alternate between standing and sitting
-can seat self -
22-24 cognitive
-may be able to draw crude pictures
-is interested in sounds
-recognizes when pictures in a book are upside down
-can ask for something when they want it
-can tell from different lines -
24-30 months physical
-opens doors by turning knobs
-likes to take jar lids off
-can soap arms and hands easily
-tears paper
-climbs everywhere -
24-30 months cognitive
-becomes very interesred in tv shows
-likes to imatate drawings
-uses two words sentences
-remembers sequence
-understands cause and effect -
30-36 physical
-likes to be in consistant motion like moving
-enjoy running games
-climbs quick
-sits in adult chairs
-goes up stairs by alternating feet -
30 to 36 months cognitive
-can rememeber and follow steps
-begins to classify objects
-can stack rings
-tries new play activites
-recognizes self in mirror