I am a person who suffers from OCD! So I think a PERFECT way to start off my summer is with a clean room. Which means...
*Clean out Closet
*Organize Clothes in drawers
*Make bed
*Organize Book shelf
*vacuume -
Period: to
Summer plans
Go to pool
I will go to the pool with my Cousins from my moms side. It'll be fun just hanging in the pool peacefully and swimming in delightful heat. What a fun activity to do in the summer. -
Volleyball face-off with Mom
I love volleyball! I hope I play it in high school through college. But when I normally practice in my backyard my mom is usually bragging about how back in her days she was AMAZING at volleyball and she could beat me anyday. Well I decided to put that theory to the test and play against her. -
Packing to go to El Salvador
YAY!!!!!! Going to my homeland. It'll be great go go there once more. I want to go see my cousin Diana. We talk in spanish through skype. So it would be great to see her in person. And Jake and Jasmine can go it for the FIRST TIME. -
On the plane to EL SALVADOR
Well to start of my family and I woke up at 4 to get to the airport by 5. We had my dad younger sister, Josefa, drive us there. After we said our goodbyes we go through dectectors, check bags, and finally get on the plane. -
It's hot here. And bustling with people. We go to my dads home.
Grandma let us stay there during our visit here. First thing first, Visit Diana, Eat a miluta,Get 5 gallons of miel, Eat pupusas,and go to the beach -
Coming home
Time to go home. It was fun. But, I do miss Maryland and my dog Casper. Once we get home I'm unpacking and then going straight to bed. -
A day at the pool with Yvonne. How fun to be with one of my BBF'S. It is so gonna be amazing. Plus, who wouldn't like a day at the pool, -
Well don't you just love the beach? What about a good bbq? Well if you love both come on down to the Gomez Family annual family beach trip! We always do this every summer, I love it so much and it's always so fun -
School Supply Shopping
Ahhh dont you just hate the terrible smell of School just being around the corner. Even tho summer was fun, I dont want it to go away. But at least I get new school supplies. -
First day of School
Well another summer went by, and another grade towards Highschool. 8th grade. PLEASE let it be fun and easy,and I have good grades.