(KME) Sudan gains independence
More precisely Sudan was able to gain their independence from the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium, and the other British and Egyptian governments that recently controlled them. -
(ZS)The Civilian Government of Sudan is Couped
This sets the stage for the rampant political instability present in Sudan at the time -
(ZS)War Begins in the South
The Anya Nya movement begins the first of the Sudanese civil wars, initiating the conflict -
The October Revolution
This led to the overthrow Abboud and an Islamist-led government. -
(KME)Colonel Jafaar Muhammed Nimeiri leads group
Military Colonal Jafaar Nimeiri was able to take over the country of Sudan with a group of socialists and military officers. -
(ZS)The Sudanese Communist Party Leaders are Executed
This marks the end of the short lived flame of the communist ideology in Sudan, a revolutionary concept -
Peace Agreement is Signed in Addis Ababa
This led to 10 years of peace in South Sudan. -
(KME)People discover oil in Unity State within Southern Sudan
Oil has been exploited and immediately come upon distribution by oil companies, main area is designated around the Muglad Basin -
(ZS) Oil is Discovered in Bentu
Much of the civil war was fought over ownership of oil holding lands. -
The Formation of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement
This led to civil war broke out in the south involving government force -
(ZS)Sharia Law is Declared
This is the tipping point for the second civil war, as it flies directly in the face of the Christians of Sudan -
Sadiq al-Mahdi Became Prime Minister
This led to 3 years of a chaotic government. -
(ZS)Coalition Government is Formed
Replacing his unpopular predecessor, Mr. Numeiri, Sadiq al-Mahdi is appointed as prime minister, marking a possible chance at peace -
(KME) Potential in a cease-fire
The application of the Democratic Unionists Party aspect of the ruling government, they drafted but never officially administered the document. -
(KME) Military is able to take control of power in Sudan
Military forces were able to seize the civilian government of Prime Minister Sadek Mahdi. -
(ZS) Bashir is Appointed President
Under Bashir's government the second civil war was brought to the end. -
(ZS)Sudan's Oil Export Begins
The fight over oil as an economically valuable resource was another clear motivator for war -
Omar al-Bashir Relection
He was re-elected after other political parties boycott elections. -
Rebels Seize Strategic Garrison Town of Torit
Bashir rebel chief John Garang negotiations collapse. -
(KME) Mass deaths in the town of Malakal
In a heavy conflict between the rebels and the northern Sudanese forces leads to hundreds of deaths.