Sudan Times

  • Mahdist Revolution Begins

    Mahdist Revolution Begins
    Islams revolt against Sudan's Egyptian government and their radical policies.
  • First Civil War Begins In Sudan

    First Civil War Begins In Sudan
    Anya Nya, an insurgent group in the south of Sudan, battled against the government of Sudan (GOS) for greater autonomy.
  • Sudan Becomes an Independent Nation

    Sudan Becomes an Independent Nation
    The Anglo-Egyptian Condominium government is eradicated in Sudan by the S.P.L.M.A (Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army).
  • "October Revolution"

    "October Revolution"
    A revolution known as the "October Revolution" overthrows Ibrahim Abboud and leads Sudan into a Islamist-lead government.
  • Addis Ababa Agreement

    Addis Ababa Agreement
    An Agreement between the Southern Sudan Liberation Movement (SSLM) and the GOS that granted regional autonomy (unbiased decisions) to Southern Sudan on internal issues.
  • Second Civil War Begins in Sudan

    Second Civil War Begins in Sudan
    The Sharia Law, introduced by the President Jaafar Nimeiri, sets religious guidelines to the Islams, and as a result the SPLM/A fought against the GOS.
  • Sudanese Government is Overthrown

    Sudanese Government is Overthrown
    Omar Al-Bashir leads a military coup and overthrows the Sudanese government, repudiating the second civil war peace agreement of 1989.
  • Missile Attack on Khartoum

    Missile Attack on Khartoum
    The United States fires missiles on Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, accusing them of producing materials for the chemical weapons.
  • Exportation Situation

    Exportation Situation
    Sudan begins their export of oil to different nations.
  • Tides Turn

    Tides Turn
    An uprising parliamentary speaker, Hassan al-Turabi, forces President Bashir to declare a state of emergency in Sudan.
  • All's Well That End Well

    All's Well That End Well
    The Machakos Protocol, a policy that was able to begin healing the peace process in Sudan, was able to coerce Kenya mailtia rebels into ending the civil war.
  • Innoncence Taken

    Innoncence Taken
    Janjaweed militias in support of the government carry out killings of non-Arab villagers.
  • Sudan v. Chad

    Sudan v. Chad
    Sudan and Chad are sent into an aggressive tailspin as Chad militias near the sister city of Khartoum (Omdurman). This accusation causes Sudan to break off their relations with Chad.
  • Election Time

    Election Time
    President Bashir is reelected for his fifth term in a landslide 95 percent vote, heavily boycotted by parties of opposition.
  • Chaos in Sudan

    Chaos in Sudan
    Sudan starts to ban any media coverage of their nation as they begin to denounce protesters and arrest politicians who take an opposition stance in Sudan.