Sudan Time line Duke Nataevia

  • Sudanistion

    in 1947 Southern Policy was abandoned after the Juba Conferance organized by the colonial goverment , at which Southern Chiefs argeed with northern nationalist s to pursue a united Sudan. (class artical)
  • Sudanisation

    Southerns were not represented at the 1953 Cairo Conferance on self-rule , on the grounds that they had "no party or organization (class artical)
  • Civil wars and secession of South Sudan

    Civil wars and secession of South Sudan
    The 1955 war began when Southern army officers mutinied and then formed the Anya-Nya guerilla movement (
  • Civil wars and secession of South Sudan

    Civil wars and secession of South Sudan
    In 1955, the year before independence, a civil war began between Northern and Southern Sudan. The southerners, anticipating independence, feared the new nation would be dominated by the north (
  • Sudan

    Sudan suffered seventeen years of civil war during the First Sudanese Civil War (1955–1972) followed by ethnic, religious and economic conflicts between the Muslim Arabs of Northern Sudan and the mostly animist and Christian Nilotes of Southern Sudan (
  • War in Darfur

    War in Darfur
    There have been reports that the Janjaweed has been launching raids, bombings, and attacks on villages, killing civilians based on ethnicity, raping women, stealing land, goods, and herds of livestock. So far, over 2.5 million civilians have been displaced and the death toll is variously estimated from 200,000[39] to 400,000 killed. (
  • triggers the second civil war

    Southern Soldiers mutinied rather than follow orders transferring them to the North trggers the civil war
  • Armed forces

    Armed forces
    The Sudan People's Armed Forces is the regular forces of the Republic of Sudan and is divided into five branches; the Sudanese Army, Sudanese Navy (including the Marine Corps), Sudanese Air Force, Border Patrol and the Internal Affairs Defense Force, totalling about 200,000 troops (
  • Civil wars and secession of South Sudan

    Civil wars and secession of South Sudan
    In September 1983, the situation was exacerbated when Nimeiry imposed new Islamic Shari'a laws on all of Sudan, including the non-Muslim south, followed by the imposition of martial law in May 1984 (Civil wars and secession of South Sudan)
  • Nimeiri Overthrown

    Nimeiri Overthrown
    In April 1985, while out of the country, Nimeiri was overthrown by a popular uprising in Khartoum provoked by a collapsing economy, the war in the south, and political repression. (class artical)
  • Economy

    Oil was Sudan's main export, with production increasing dramatically during the late 2000s, in the years before South Sudan gained independence in July 2011. (
  • Civil wars and secession of South Sudan

    The Sudanese Army successfully advanced in the south, reaching the southern borders with neighbouring Kenya and Uganda. The campaign started in 1989 and ended in 1994. During the fight the situation worsened in the tribal south causing casualties among the Christian and animist minority (
  • Government and politics

    In 1993, Sudan was transformed into an Islamic authoritarian single-party state as al-Bashir abolished the Revolutionary Command Council and created the National Islamic Front (NIF) with a new parliament and government obtained solely by members of the NIF. (