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Seperate Regions
Until 1946 Britian had regonized North and South Sudan as 2 differetn territories. -
They Get Their Freedom ! ... Barely
Britain along with the Egyption government pulled out of Sudan. Basically giving them "freedom" -
Just The Beginning
On August 8th 1955, Sudan Forces Equatorial Corps mutinied in Torit & several other cities. Sending Generals in the North false war telegrams from the South. All in an effort to persuade the North to opress the South. -
Here Come The Problems
In 1958, General Ibraham Abboud siezed the government power. -
Here We Go
In order to reliev tension beween Sudan & other countries, Ibraham Abboud signed peace treaties with Ethiopia & Uganda. After isolating the East & West. He looked to the South to expand his linited power base. -
The Riots Start
The hatred of military government quickly led to protests & the creation of a care taker government. -
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Several islamic administrations proved that problems in Sudan we're becoming unbearable for them nd shut down. -
We're Overthrown
On May 2th, 1969 Col. Gaafar Nimeiry became Prime Minister & outlawed political parties altogether. -
We're Ovethrown
On May 2th, 1969 Col. Gaafar Nimeiry became Prime Minister & outlawed political parties altogether. -
United As One
Former General Joseph Lagu gathered the majority of gurriella bands together. Making it the first time in history when everyone was united and there was a signle grop with the same ideas speaking for the South.