Sudan 2001-present

  • 2001

    More than 14,550 slaves are freed after pressure from human rights groups.
  • 2002

    the government and SPLA signs a protocol to end the civil war.
  • 2003

    The 2 rebelgroups representing the African population in Darfur starts a rebellion against the government as protest against neglection and suppression.
  • 2004

    A historic peace agreement is signed, but the situation in Darfur remains unchanged and extremely critical.
  • 2005

    United Nations Security Council agrees to send 10,000 peace keeping soldiers to Southern Sudan. Again the descision does not cover the Darfur region.
  • 2006

    Jan Pronk, the UN's top official in Sudan, is expelled.
  • 2007

    Violence and killings continues in the Darfur region. The conflict is in reality a genocide and is still considered the worst huminitarian disaster in the world.
  • 2008

    Southern defence minister Dominic Dim Deng is killed in a plane crash in the south.
  • 2009

    Darfur war is over, says UN military commander in the region, in comments condemned by activists.
  • 2010

    South Sudan gains independence.
  • 2011

    Sudan accused of bombing refugee camp in Yida, Unity State, South Sudan.
  • 2012

    Some 655,000 have been displaced or severely affected by fighting between the army and rebels in states bordering on South Sudan, the UN reports.
  • 2013

    Wave of demonstrations across the country over the government's decision to cut fuel subsidies. Scores of people die in clashes with police.
  • 2014

    The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court halts investigations into war crimes in Darfur for lack of support from the UN Security Council.
  • 2015

    President Bashir is re-elected for another five year term. He wins nearly 95 percent of the vote in a poll marked by low turnout and boycotted by most opposition parties.