
By Syainya
  • Encouraging Hostility

    Encouraging Hostility
    Foreign traders encouraged hostile tribal groups to raid each other for treasure including ivory and slaves.
  • Sudan is conquered by Turkey and Egypt.

    Sudan is conquered by Turkey and Egypt.
  • Condominium Agreement

    Condominium Agreement
    Britain and Egypt signed a condominium agreement under which the Sudan was to be administered jointly. In the twelve ensuing years, the Sudan's revenue had increased seventeen fold, its expenditure tripled, and its budget reached a balanced state which was to be maintained until 1960. Mounting Egyptian nationalism in the period after World War I culminated in 1924 in the assassination in the streets of Cairo of Sir Lee Stack, Governor - General of the Sudan; British reaction resulted in the exp
  • Pacification and closed districts

    the Closed Districts Ordinances placed tight controls on access to the South, the Nuba Mountains, Darfur and Southern Blue Nile, whose peoples - after "pacification" - were now regarded as needing "protection"
  • Sudanisation

    Southern Policy was abandoned after the Juba Conference organized by the colonial government, at which Southern chiefs agreed with northern nationalists to pursue a united Sudan. A crash program of integration followed.
  • End of Condominium

    Britain and Egypt signed an accord ending the condominium arrangement and agreeing to grant Sudan self government within three years. The agreement also provided for a senate for the Sudan, a Council of Ministers, and a House of Representatives, elections to which was to be supervised by an international commission.
  • Independence

    On December 19, 1955, the Parliament voted unanimously that the Sudan should become "a fully independent sovereign state". British and Egyptian troops left the country on January 1, 1956; the same day a five-man Council of State was appointed to take over the powers of the governor general until a new constitution was agreed.
  • Country of Sudan

    Country of Sudan
    It was the country where the Lost Boys traveled great miles on and where the Arabs and the Black Christians fought on.
  • Trouble in the South

    The Ministry for Southern Affairs sought to restore normal life to those parts of the southern provinces under government control, but there was little or no security in Equatoria Province and the armed forces launched a major offensive against the rebel camps there in October 1970. The war ended officially in March 1972, when Colonel Numeiry signed a peace pact with Major-General Lagu, the Leader of the Anya-Nya rebels in the south.
  • Internal Turmoil

    Internal TurmoilIn July 1976, President Numeiry survived the most serious threat so far to his eight-year-old regime. A coup attempt, masterminded by former finance minister Hussein alHindi and former prime minister Sadik al-Mahdi, both in exile, involved the infiltration of some 2,000 heavily armed civilians into Khartoum and Omdurman. The rebels caused much destruction, including the immobilizing of Sudan's Air Force on the ground.
  • Started the second civil war in Sudan

    Started the second civil war in Sudan
    Southern soldiers mutinied rather than folowed orders transferring them to the north.
  • Introductions Of Islamic Law

    Introductions Of Islamic Law
    President Jaafer Mohammed al-Numeiry announced that the penal code had been revised in order to link it "organically and spiritually" with Islamic Law (Sharia).