
  • 1900-1920

    british conducted a "pacification" campaign in Southern Sudan and the Nuba Mountains. They used the earliest bombings.
  • Series of laws

    Closed districts ordinances placed tight controls on access to Nuba Mountains, Daruf nd Southern Blue Nile, whose peoples- after "pacification" were now regarded as needing "protection"
  • Cairo Conference

    Sothern Policy was abandoned after the Juba Conference organized bu the colonial goverment
  • Cario Conference.

    Southerners were not reprecented at the conference on self-rule because they had no party or organization
  • Conflict in Sudan

    religion, oil,money caused a lot of conflict between southern and northern sudan. Starting a war between the two killing so many people
  • Sudan's fight for oil

    they are fighting over oil and they want more. all the oil is located in the south but the north has al the pump stations and is getting all the oil which will cause conflict between the two.
  • Northern Bombng

    a lot of people in southern sudan were bombed by people in the north which killed a lot of them. The south is not technically advanced and don't have any equipment that can compete with northern sudan which is why they had so many more deaths than the north.
  • shari's law

    was incorperated into the goverments legal system
  • triger to second civil war

    it began january1983 when southern soilers mutinied rather than follow orders transfering them to the north
  • nimeiri overthrown

    nimeiri leader wasn't in town and nimeiria was overthrown by a collapsing economy
  • U.S agent killed in Mexico

    him and his partner were ambushed while riding on a highway in mexico. Zapata was the first agent to die on duty since 1985.