
  • British Conquers Sudan

    after conquering Egypt in 1882, Britian set it's sights on Sudan and succeeded ruling it in conjunction with Egypt. They had there eye on them for a long time and eventually just took over.
  • Independence of Sudan

    Sudan becomes independent.
  • Civil War Begins

    Civil war begins in the south, led by the Anya Nya movement.
  • peace agreement

    Under the Addis Ababa peace agreement between the government and the Anya Nya, the south becomes a self-governing region.
  • Oil

    China began investing in Sudan following US sanctions there. By 2005 Sudan provided China with about 5% if its oil imports.
  • United States attacks

    US launches missile attack on a pharmaceutical plant in Khartoum, alleging that it was making materials for chemical weapons.
  • Slavery

    since 1999 international attention has been focused on evidence about slavery is widespread throughout Sudan. Arab raiders from the north of the country have enslaved thousands of souteners that were black.
  • Rebels of Darfur

    Rebels in western region of Darfur rise up against government, claiming the region is being neglected by Khartoum.
  • Darfur

    government army strikes down on uprising in Darfur region in the Western Sudan. More than 100,000 people seeks refuge in Chad.
  • Date extended

    African Union extends date on its peacekeeping force in Darfur for six months. Hundreds are thought to have died in the biggest fighting between northern sudan and their former southern rebel forces since they signed a peace deal last year. Fighting is centred on the southern
  • Justice and Equality Movement

    Justice and Equality Movement
    the Justice and Equality Movement (Jem) main Darfur rebel movement signs a peace accord with the government, prompting President Bashir to declare the Darfur war ove it, but failure to agree specifics and continuing to clash with bigger groups becomes dangurous.