Jan 1, 1100
The Crusades were a series of holy wars fought over the Holy Land; Jerusalem. The fights were mainly led by Muslims and Christains. This helped lead to the finding of America because the Crusades brought lots of new ideas from Asia. -
Jan 1, 1340
Black Death
The Black Death was a disease that spread through most of Europe and parts of Asia. it killed millions of people. The Black Death helped contribute to the Renaissance because it killed millions of people. The survivors skills were needed which earned them higher wages. -
Jan 1, 1492
Columbus Voyage
With help from Spain, Cristopher Columbus wanted to find a better route to Asia. He wanted to try and sail west to get there. This helped with the discovery of America because Cristopher Columbus acually found it. He thought this was a ne world and it was in his perspective. When news hit Europe of the new world, countries went crazy because they wanted piece of this new world so they could grow more powerful and become richer. -
Jan 1, 1497
Vasco de Gama voyage
Vasco de Gama was a portuguese explorer who wanted to find an easier trade route with Asia. This helped witht he deiscovery of America because it showed people there where other ways to get somewhere. -
Jan 1, 1509
King Henry VII 1st marriage
King Henry VII had married Catherine of Aragon. Years later he decided he wanted to divorce her because he wanted a male heir. Not a female. Catherine only gave birth to girls. King Henry became upset because he wanted a male heir. He went to the Pope and asked for a divorce which his religion did not allow. The Pope refused so King Henry separated from the Vatican church. -
Jan 1, 1513
Ponce de Leon explores Florida
Ponce de Leon landed on theeast coast of Folrida and was the first European to reach the mainland of North America. This help influence present day America because other countries wanted a piece of this "New World" so they could grow stronger and richer. -
Jan 1, 1517
Posting of the 95 Thesis
After going to Rome, MArtin Luther finally saw how corrupted the church was. He took 95 things he saw wrong with the church and posted them on its door. This made people question their religion and the Christin church. So some went out and found new religions. -
Jan 1, 1521
Cortez defeats the Aztecs
Cortex is a conquistador who is respnsible for the near extinction of the Aztecs. The Aztecs were murdered, had no immunity to the Spanish diseases, and had inferior weaponry. This helped present day Amrerica becuase the Spanish helped shape the country. They founded Florida, St. Augustine, and other cities that still stand today. -
Jan 1, 1532
King Henry est. Anglican church.
King Herny created the Anglican church and divorced his wife shortly after. He also had the Anglican church be the main church for England. Not a lot of people were happy with this change. People wanted religious freedom and wanted to seek it. -
Roanoke coloniztion attempt
It was founded 22 years before Jamestown was established and 37 years before the PIlgrims in Massachussetts. It was run by Ralph Lane. Colonists couldn't survive on their own and had to get supplies. Eventually they had to go back to England. This would be very helpful for future people who came to set up a colony. It gave them an idea of what they would need to bring and when to come. -
Jamestown est.
John Smith and a group of settlers landed on Virginia and established a colony. This helped influence present day America because John Smith and the settlers proved it ws possible to establish and maintain a colony. -
Plymouth Est
Plymouth was founded by a group seeking religious freedom, They were unprepared for the harsh winter and asked the Indians for help. The Indians did help. They taught them how to fish and grow crops. On their first succesful ahrvest, the PIlgrims and Indians had a huge feast that lasted three days. Later, the feast would be known as Thanksgiving. This showed that all Natives weren't violent and would actually help the colonists out as long as they weren't disrespectful. -
Bacons Rebellion
It was a violent protest against Governor William Berkley. The protest was about farmers fighting against corruption and opression. This helped influence out goverment because people wanted a fair and just goverment. -
Salem Witch Trials
The Salem Witch Trials were a bunch of trials which ended up hanging twenty people. It lasted from february 1692 to May 1693. The Salem Witch trials helped influence our constitution; the right to a fair trial. -
Albany Plan of Union
This was a plan to plce the Northern American colonies under a more centralized government. This helped influence present day America because it was the first steps to uniting the colonies as a whole. -
The Sugar Act
The Sugar Act was a tax placed on sugar, molasses, and other products imported into the America colonies. This caused tension between the colonists and the Parliament which would eventually lead to the American revolution -
Quartering Act
This is when British Parliament forced soldiers into colonists house. Sometimes they would have t give up their food and homes. Sometimes the colonists would be forced to sleep in barns. This also put lots of tension between the colonists and the British Parliament. The colonists wouldn't take much more unitl they would revolt against the British. -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was a result of a violent protest. Colonisots were tired of the British and were throwing rocks, glass, and snowballs at the soldiers. One soldier accidently shot into the crowd which caused the other soldiers to start firing. This was the start of the American Revolution. The colonists wanted freedom from King George and the British. -
Boston Tea Party
Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty threw a million dollars worth of Tea into the Boston Harbor. This was one of the boldest ways the colonists have revolted against the British and their taxes. -
1st Continentla Congress
This was when the colonists first made The Constitution. Every state (with the exception of Georgie) sent delegates to go and vote. Some of the delegates were Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and George Washington. This infuenced present day America because they're starting to create our government. They're figuring out how our country will be run and are trying to make sure that it's run fairly for everyone. -
Ollive Branch Petition
The Olive branch Petition was a final attempt to stop war between the thirteen colonies and the British. The colonists wrote that they didn't want independence: they wanted representation in the Parliament. This was one of the major causes for the American Revolution. King George didn't read it and the colonists became upset because they realized they werent going to tget the representation they needed unless they would secede from Britain. -
The Declaration of Independence si created/signed
Thomas Paine wrote the Declaration of Independence. He took it to Penssylvania where all the colonies delegates where and they read through it and tweaked it a bit to fit how they wanted the country to go. After everyone agreed, they all signed the document and this was the outline of American laws. This was the first start for government and laws for the colonies. This is when the colonies finally started to come together as a country. -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
WIth the help of Sacegewea, Lewis and Clark explore the western part of the United States. They found hundreds of new animal and plants. This helped influence present day America beceause this would influence the colonization of new states. -
Texas War for Independence
This is when Texas went to separate from Mexico and its harsh rule. This helped influence present day America because later on Texas would become a part of The United States of America. -
Trail of Tears
This was made by ANdrew Jackson. All Cherokke Indians had to give up their land and move west so he could use their land to get more money off of it. This helped America become self sufficient because they exploited all the resources from the land they stole from the Indians. -
Donnor Party
This si one of the more tragic stories heard about a family going to California. They got trapped in some mountains for a few months and had to eat members of their group to survive. This influenced present day America because it made people wary. The groups decided to ration the foods and carry as much food as possible so that wouldn't happen to them as well. -
California Gold Rush
This happened because a James W. Marshall found some gold and it spreaded across the world. People wnted easy money and rushed to California to get rich. This affected present day America because the Gold Rush caused California to become a state.