Story of US

  • Jan 1, 1100


    The Crusades were wars between the Middle East Muslims and European Catholics. These wars were fought over the holy land (Jerusalem). Not much was accomplished from the European perspective. This event is important because the Europeans start to get goods from Asia, such as spices and silk.
  • Jan 1, 1340

    Black Plague

    The Black Plague was an epidemic in Europe during the 1340's. It was caused by a disease that came from fleas on rats. 1/3 of the population of Europe died by the end of the epidemic. This is important because it brought an end to the feudal system.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Colombus Voyage

    Christopher Colombus was an Italian explorer that wanted to sail West to get to the East. He had help from the king and queen of Spain. Colombus had sailed West, and reached the Carribean. He had thought the natives were indians. This discovery is important because this is the first well known discovery of the new land.
  • Jan 1, 1513

    Ponce de Leon explored Florida

    Ponce de Leon was the first conquistador to explore modern day United States. He had explored the southern and central parts of Florida. This is important because it will help to establish the first european colony in modern day United States.
  • Jan 1, 1517

    The Posting of 95 Theses

    The Posting of 95 Theses is when a Catholic Monk by the name of Martin Luther posted 95 reasons why the catholic church was corrupt. He had posted it on the doors of the Wittenberg church in Germany. This is important because it marks the begining of the Protestant Reformation.
  • Jan 1, 1518

    Cortes defeats Aztecs

    Hernan Cortes had went to Mexico to find gold. The Aztecs had conrol of what is modern day Mexico. When Cortes had arrived to Mexico, their leader Moctezuma thought that he was Quetzalcoatl. Soon after, the Azztec empire was destroyed, mainly due to European diseases that were brought unintentionally. This is important because this event builds a hostility between the Native Americans and Spain
  • Jan 1, 1521

    Martin Luther Excommunicated

    The Posting of 95 Theses causes the pope to ask Luther to recant what he said about the catholic church. Luther declined, and the pope decided to excommunicate him. This means that he could never return to the church. This is important because this encouraged him to start his own church, the Lutheran church.
  • Jan 1, 1532

    Anglican Church Established

    The Anglican Church was established by King Henry VIII when the pope wouldn't let him get a divorce. This made him remove England from the Catholic Church to make his own church. The Anglican Church allowed the King to conrol the church and the country. This is important because the establishment of the Anglican Church helped spread the idea of having more of a freedom of religion.
  • Jan 1, 1565

    St. Augustine established

    St. Augustine was the first European Colony in modern day United States. It was estabished by Pedro de Aviles. This event is important because it is the first colony in the modern day United States.
  • Roanoke Colonization attempt

    Roanoke was the first colony established by the English. The colony was founded by Walter Raleigh. This colony is located in modern day Virginia. The entire colony vanished with no real explanation. This event is important because it is the first colonization attempt of England.
  • Jamestown est.

    Jamestown is the first permanent British colony in America. Jamestown was founded by the Virginia Company and King James I gave permission to 144 men to start a colony in America. The colony Jamestown was named after King James I. This is important because it is the first British colony that is permanently established in modern day United States.
  • Plymouth est.

    Plymouth was established by seperatists. They were going to Virginia for religious freedoms, but landed in Massachusetts. 3 different tribes of native americans helped them. This is also where the first Thanksgiving had taken place. This is important because it introduces different reasons for colonization and more religious freedom in America.
  • Massachusetts Bay est.

    Massachusetts Bay was established because the Puritans were being persecuted in England during the reign of King Charles I. They wanted to believe what they wanted to, so they created the Massachusetts Bay Company and went to America with 600 puritans. This is important because it created more religious freedom in America.
  • New York est.

    New York was established after England took control of New Netherlands. King Charles had his brother take the land. It is now called New york because he was called the Duke of York. This is important because New York is now the biggest city in the country.
  • French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War was a war where France and England were fighting over the Ohio River Valley. The French had more allied native americans than England did. George Washington starts the war by killing a French ambassador. It seemed like the French were going to win the war until William pitt became prime minister. The treaty of paris is what ends the war and gives land to America and France leaves America. This event is important because this gives more land to America.
  • Stamp Act

    The Stamp act is when parliament created an act where it taxed all printed materials. This is the first direct tax on colonists. The house of burgesses stated that only Virginia can tax Virginian people. This is important because it created the Sons of Liberty and the Stamp Act Congress.
  • Creation of the Sons of Liberty

    The sons of liberty were created by Isaac Sears. They held demonstrations to show the dislike of British taxes. This is important because the Sons of Liberty were the first people to have a form of rebellion against England.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea party was when the Sons of Liberty went to the Boston Harbor and dumped British Tea into the ocean. This had been done because of a tax on tea. This is important because it is a rebellion against the tea tax and it impacts Englands economy more than any other tax.
  • 1st Continental Congress

    The first continental congress was held in Philadelphia. There were 50 delegates from 12 colonies. During the first continental congress, the declaration of rights and grievance was written. This is important because this is the first gathering of the colonies.
  • Thomas Paine's Common Sense

    Thomas Paine's common sense had explained why the colonies should declare independence from England. The book is called common sense because he explains that it is 'common sense' for the colonies to seperate from England. This is important because it helped raise the morale of the soldiers of the colonies.
  • Declaration of independence

    The declaration of independence is when the British Colonies had seperated from England. This is important because the declaration of independence is what founded the United States of America.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The treaty of paris of 1783 is what officially ended the war between England and the U.S. This is important because it is what ends the revolutionary war.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase is when France sold all of the French territory in North America to the U.S. This is important because this gave lots of land to the U.S.
  • War of 1812