Term "Sem Cells" First Used
A German biologist named Ernst Haeckel uses the phrase Stem Cells that describes fertilized eggs that become an organism. -
Term "Stem Cells" first used
William Sedgwick uses the term "Stem Cell" to describe the parts of a plant that grow and regenerate. -
Stem Cell Differintiation Theory
Russian academic ALexander Maximow theorizes that blood stem cell have the impotent to differentiate into several types of cells. -
Dictovery of Stem Cells in Bone Marrow
Researchers discovered that bone marrow has at least two types of stem cells; blood cells and stromal cells, which from the bone, cartilage, fat, and connective tissue. -
First Fertilization of Egg
Robert Edwards, a British scientist, and his student Barry Bavister became the first people to fertilize a human egg in a test tube. -
First Bone Marow Transplant
The first bone marroe transplant for non-cancer treatment. Doctor Robert Good uses a bone marrow transplant to treat an eight year old by severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome. -
Stem Cells Discovered
Stem cells are discovered in human cord blood. -
First Vitro Stem Cell
The first in vitro stem cell line is developed from mice. -
Embryonic Stem Cells
The first embryonic stem cell line is created from a hamster. -
First Cells Removed From Embryos
James Thomson successfully removed cells from spare embryos at fertility clinics and grew them in a laboratory.