Star Wars

  • A New Hope

    A New Hope
    I was 10 years old and my life changed forever.
  • My first Star Wars shirt

    My first Star Wars shirt
    My parents give me my first Star Wars shirt.
  • Merch Merch Merch

    Merch Merch Merch
    Santa brought me my first set of Star Wars toys, a stuffed Wookie, a Millenium Falcon and action figures.
  • Halloween

    The first Princess Leia cosplay
  • The Empire Strikes Back

    The Empire Strikes Back
    I spend an entire summer going to see this movie over and over and over, at least once a week. I officially fall in love with Harrison Ford. The crush is real.
  • Yoda Fever

    Yoda Fever
    I come to school with 4 Yoda action figures in my pockets which I religiously set up on my desk every day.
  • Bubble Gum Cards

    Bubble Gum Cards
    The collecting of ESB bubblegum cards is obsessive. I am the only one with two complete sets of series one. And I have two extras of the hardest card to find number 81 Pretty as a Princess. My dad drives me to eight 7-11's to buy cards. He buys the entire inventory for me.
  • Midnight Release of Return of the Jedi

    My parents let me go to the midnight screening and I was interviewed afterwards by the local radio station KILO 94.3. I was a blithering idiot gushing about my love for Han Solo.
  • Star Wars returns in time for the new millennium

    Star Wars returns in time for the new millennium
    I go to the midnight showing of The Phantom Menace
  • Another midnight Star Wars rendezvous

    Attack of the Clones premier and I am there.
  • It is a dark time

    Revenge of the Sith midnight premier is amazing but sad. I believe it will be the last opening night for a Star Wars movie in my life.
  • My Soul Awakens

    A new Star Wars movie means a premier night. I see it two time in a row and openly weep when Han Solo dies.
  • The Science of Star Wars exhibit

    The Science of Star Wars exhibit
    A great museum exhibit with all kinds of props and costumes.
  • My encounter with the Dark Side

    My encounter with the Dark Side
    The first time I ever meet Darth Vader
  • I start crying in class

    The preview for The Force Awakens drops. I show it live in my senior class. I choke up and shed tears of joy at "Chewie, we're home."
  • No one hugs like Chewbacca

    No one hugs like Chewbacca
    I visit Chewbacca for the first time at Disneyland during Season of the Force
  • The Last Jedi

    Of course I'm at the movies; where else would I be?