Stages of Life

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    For my entire childhood I spent my days at a babysitter's house. I went there before and after school and during the summers as well. I started as an infant and ended the summer after 5th grade. I was constantly around the other kids and essentially grew up at my babysitter's house.
  • Start of School

    Start of School
    Kindergarten was a pivotal time in my life because it began my education experience which I am just now wrapping up. I loved school a lot as a kid, even preferring school to summer break. I always loved my teachers and had a lot of fun with my friends. Beginning grade school with a positive mindset helped me develop healthy school habits that I still put to use today like being self-motivated and hard working.
  • Start of Choir

    Start of Choir
    In 5th grade I started school choir, and ever since then choir has been something I've done. It was an important moment because I was also doing orchestra and was forced to choose between choir and orchestra going into middle school. My positive experience in choir made me choose it and my life is very different for it. It also represents the start of me doing extracurricular activities for myself.
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    Covid was an insane time for everyone in the world but it was especially crazy for someone who was transitioning between middle school and high school, like myself. Like everyone else, I was isolated for months and had to partake in online school for basically my entire freshman year. I didn't even get to see half of my grade because we were on a rotating schedule to keep the number of kids in the building down. It definitely changed my high school experience.
  • Spain

    I went on an 11 day trip to Spain the summer after Sophomore year. This was a formative experience because it was my first time out of the country and the first trip without my family. Experiencing another culture and language was a really cool experience and it opened up my world view.
  • Graduation

    Graduation is the first future event I'm looking forward to. It will officially mark the end of my grade school education and will finally allow me to transition into university. Graduation will come with a lot of freedom because I've been working towards it since I was literally three years old.
  • College

    College will be a huge transition in my life. It's the first time I'll be doing something new in years. It's where I can learn how to study what I want to do with the rest of my life and will help me find myself. I'll make life-long friends and learn how to live independently.
  • Apartment

    The first time I get my first apartment will be another formative moment in my future life. Living on my own will allow me to fully take on the responsibilities of adult life which will be a crucial moment.
  • Career

    After graduating college I'll be getting my first "real" job in the workforce. I've already had job experience and will be working part time in college, but this will be the first time I'll be trying to build a stable career using my degree.
  • Moving Away

    Moving Away
    Sometime in the future I want to move out of the US. Mainly I just want to experience living in another place, but also I'd love to live in Spain to work there. Visiting Spain in the past made me want to live there eventually.
  • What does your timeline tell you about yourself?

    My timeline tells me a lot about what major events impacted my mindset that I have today and also what goals I have for myself in the future. It's really interesting to see how in the past, events that I didn't think much on in the moment like going to elementary school and joining choir have actually impacted my life trajectory. It can also be hard to conceptualize my future plans, but putting the main things I want to accomplish within the next few years into the timeline helped me do that.
  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    My life would look so different if there were just a few things I could change on my timeline. The main one that comes to mind is Covid. Obviously it wasn't good for anybody, but I firmly believe I would've turned out differently if my transition from middle school to high school was more normal. High school was really rough for the first few years thanks to Covid and it's taken me a really long time to get my bearings after that.
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem to be?

    The events themselves aren't very flexible but the timing is. I know that I want to accomplish everything on my timeline at some point, but when that happens is really not my concern. I know at some point I'll get a career and move out of the US, but it doesn't necessarily matter when.