
Stages of Development

By MJH1515
  • The Newborn (Physical Development)

    The Newborn (Physical Development)
    Head is out of proportion with the body.
    Chest is rounded.
    Stomach protrudes.
    They have soft spots.
    Reflexes are automatic.
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  • The Newborn (Social-Emotional Developmemt)

    The Newborn (Social-Emotional Developmemt)
    Pain, begins with shrill scream followed by silence and ended with short gasps. Repeats.
    Hunger and Boredum, slow cries that become louder and rhythmic.
    Upset, Fussy, rather quiet cry. Cry sounds a bit forced.
    They bond with people by the adult holding them and talking to them.
  • The Infant (Physical Development)

    The Infant (Physical Development)
    Head is about 1/4 his or her total lenght.
    Head is larger than the chest for the first 6 months.
    Pot bellies because their organs are large for their small size.
    Legs dont grow much but their trunk does.
    Around 9 months they get the cute chubby appearence.
  • The Infant (Intellectual Development)

    The Infant (Intellectual Development)
    They use reflexes to learn about people, objects, places and events in the world.
    Express language through crying.
    Learn their name.
    As babies explore their world they learn many concepts.
  • The Infant (Social-Emotional Development)

    The Infant (Social-Emotional Development)
    Shaped by how people affect the baby and how the baby affects other people.
    Around 3-6 months babies begin distinguishing between their caregivers and strangers.
    Typically, babies who are given more positive attention are happier and better learn to understand and trust others.
  • The Toddler (Physical Development)

    The Toddler (Physical Development)
    Environment will play a role in babies weight.
    Years 1 and 2 growth begins to slow.
    Girls will reach 53% of their adult height by age 2 and boys will reach 50%
    Bones continue to harden.
    Shortly after 2 years they will have a full set of teeth.
    After year 2 they continue to gain around 6lbs a year and grow about 2-3 inches until age 11 for girls and 13 for boys.
  • The Toddler (Intellectual Development)

    The Toddler (Intellectual Development)
    Toddlers are active explorers and expermenters.
    They repeat actions often, which helps them learn.
    Toddlers are eager to learn and curios about everything.
    They must associate the word with the person of object it refers to.
    They must recall the word and its meaning when they hear the word or want to say it.
  • The Toddler (Social-Emotional Development)

    The Toddler (Social-Emotional Development)
    They find out more about their world and themselves as individuals.
    They find out the world is not solely devoted to meeting their needs.
    Become aware of feelings.
    Become aware of their bodies.
    Express affection by wanting to be near cargivers and adults.
  • The Preschooler (Physical Development)

    The Preschooler (Physical Development)
    Improving their skills of walking, running, balancing, and self-dressing.
    Grow steadily at about 3-5 lbs/year
    Body proportions began to look more like adults.
    Eye-hand coordination becaomes more refined.
    Improved balance is developing.
  • The Preschooler (Intellectual Development)

    The Preschooler (Intellectual Development)
    They are in the 2nd major stage of mental development called the preoperational stage.
    Use mental thinking to solve problems rather than solving all problems with physical activity.
    Are able to form mental images of what the see around them.
    Are Egocentric.
    Words do not relate to what they represent. They are abstract.
  • The Preschooler (Social-Emotional Development)

    The Preschooler (Social-Emotional Development)
    They develop social awarness
    Start showing responsibilty
    Learn gender roles
  • School-Age-Child (Physical Development)

    School-Age-Child (Physical Development)
    Height Increases
    Body proprotions become more like adults
    Brain growth slowes at this time
    Skin becomes less fine and delicate
  • School-Age-Child (Intellectual Development)

    School-Age-Child (Intellectual Development)
    Childrens thinking depends more on logic and less on perception
    They use logic
    They also use deductive reasoning
  • School-Age-Child (Social-Emotional Development)

    School-Age-Child (Social-Emotional Development)
    Become highly aware of their shortcomings and failures
    Become almost totally concerned with what others think of them
    Friendships are based on location