
Stacy's Technology Timeline

  • Baby Stacy is born along with Apple invention, Lisa- the first personal computer to utilize a grafical user interface, which paved the road for higher speed processors and more accessable, user friendly computers.

    Baby Stacy is born along with Apple invention, Lisa- the first personal computer to utilize a grafical user interface, which paved the road for higher speed processors and more accessable, user friendly computers.
    Along with the birth of Apple invention, Lisa- the first personal computer to utilize a grafical user interface, which paved the road for higher speed processors.
    Computer History Museum 1983
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    Stacy's life with Technology

    My timeline. My life as it has been impacted by technology
  • Television, Video Game Consols, and tape recorder/casset players

    Television, Video Game Consols, and tape recorder/casset players
    Throughout my early childhood my exposure to TV, vide games, and computers was minimal. My parents were strict with television and movies, we were aloud to view educational programs after school such as the Reading Rainbow, Mr. Rogers, and Sesame Street and cartoons on the weekends. I remember playing Pong the Atari when I was about 6 years old and that quickly chanced to Nentendo, Super Nentendo, and Sega Genesis.
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    Technology I learned to use.

    Throughout my early childhood my exposure to TV, video games, and computers was minimal. My parents were strict with television and movies. We were aloud to view educational programs after school, such as the Reading Rainbow, Mr. Rogers, and Sesame Street and cartoons on the weekends. I remember playing Pong on the Atari when I was about 6 years old and that quickly changed to Nentendo, Super Nentendo, and Sega Genesis.
  • Stacy's family packed up and moved from sunny suburb of Sacramento, CA to the windy city, Chicago, IL.

    Stacy's family packed up and moved from sunny suburb of Sacramento, CA to the windy city, Chicago, IL.
    At the same time Intel created the Pentium microprocessor. We had moved to Chicago so my father could go back to school and finish his Master of DIvinity. He sat at his PC almost every day, with books strewn over his lap and desk as he typed away on using Microsoft Word. It was in the span of the next three years that I first used a computer to type up homework assignments.
  • Learned to use e-mail and instant messenger

    Learned to use e-mail and instant messenger
    Along with the release of the Mosaic web browser, AOL had gone public and for the first time I could talk to my friends on the other side of the country without having to make a phone call- even though the dial-up inhibited the household use of a phone until my father had a second phone line put in.
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    Learning to utilize the internet

    Learning to use the internet for school assignments: From 1993-1997 (4th-6th grade) I began to learn how to use the internet to provide extra support to book based research. Once a week I attended a computer lab, with my classmaktes learning to use MS Dos and Microsoft Word. My the time I graduated highschool in 2001 the Dot com boom had opened new doors in the business world. Troughout my adulthood I have had ups and downs, learning to addapt to new technology.
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    Stage and Recording Technology

    I began attending Roosevelt School of the Arts (Roosevelt High School, Fresno, CA) in 1997 where I studied and performed in theater, music, and dance. Over the span of those four years I learned how to run small light and sound boards, use a variety of microphones, was featured with fellow singers on a local community radio proram, and hired to produce gingles for a local Gotchalks conglomerant. The exposure I had to the technical side of recording at that time was minimal.
  • Love, Sex and the I.R.S.

    Love, Sex and the I.R.S.
    After taking a year to adjust to moving with my family to Bellingham, WA, I had gotten my first real job working as activity coordinator and rescptionist at an assissted living facility. I filed my taxes and applied for FAFSA online in preparation for enrollment in Bellingham Community College. I began acting with a local community theater group, staring in "Love, Sex, and the IRS"
  • MySpace, Laptops and Jesus

    MySpace, Laptops and Jesus
    In 2003 I retreated to Alberta, Canada, to attend Covenant Bible College. I recieved my first laptop, a Toshiba with an Intel Pentium microprocessor. I also discovered the very useful new social networking site, MySpace. I used it to keep in touch with friends and family back home while connecting with new friends attending my school from all over the US and Canada.
  • Facebook and broader networking

    Facebook and broader networking
    Even though Facebook was made public in 2006, it took me a couple of years to make the change from MySpace. The five years that followed consisted of me reconnecteing with friends from past colleges, high school, and childhood friends. I also began attending Columbia College, first as a music major. Facebook also became instruemntal in networking with local musicians.
  • Child Development and Website Creation

    Child Development and Website Creation
    As I continued my education I came across Child Development and became so intrigued with the subject that I continued on with my AS in Child Development. In the process, as a required aspect of practicum, I created my first professional e-portfolio, using Google Sites. Shortly after I learned about Weebly, and have used the web site to create two professional portfolio websites and a website for my radio program.
    The Reading Rumpus Room<a href
  • Learning on Blackboard

    Learning on Blackboard
    Took my first online course through Columbia College, using Blackboard for the first time.
  • Radio and Audio Editing Software

    Radio and Audio Editing Software
    I began my newest adventure, learning about radio technology. Using a studeo sound board in conjunction with Audacity (audio recording and editing software) and utilizing a digital stream for live online streaming and broadcasting to local areas. Here is where I began to utilize Facebook for advertising, creating a page for The Reading Rumpus Room that show cases links and bio information about featured authors and musicians along with announcing set lists and upcoming radio events.
  • The Windows Phone: My dog's ultimate humiliation

    The Windows Phone: My dog's ultimate humiliation
    The Reading Rumpus Room (FB)Coffee & Records RadioThis christmas my husband suprised me by replacing my old AT&T go-phone (flip style) with a Windows phone. Having resisted smart phones (specifically i-Phones) for years I finaly caved in. Though I have on occasion found it to be a distraction, it has also been a helpful tool in capturing and spreding holiday joy (including dressing our dog up like Santa Claws) and promoting my radio program along with a new radio show I have had the pleasure of co-hosting over the past couple of months.