Spread of Islam_JHarriss

  • 570

    Muhammad is Born in Mecca

    Muhammad is Born in Mecca
    The year Muhammad, the founder of Islam was born him his home city, his mother, Amina was told by angels to name him Muhammad.
  • 570

    Mecca before Muhammad

    Mecca before Muhammad
    Mecca was an important place of trade and religion, settled due to it's fresh water well, it had a very varied population. They included Jews, Christians, and animalistic polytheistic religions.They had no The tribe Muhammad was born to was the Qurasysh, a powerful local Arabian tribe and they were often hired to protect idols in the Kabba. They had no central government and most of it's residents were Bedouins.
  • 570

    Muhammad's father dies

    Muhammad's father dies
    Muhammad's father dies before Muhammad's birth,
  • 576

    Amina falls

    Amina falls
    Amina dies after Muhammad reaches the age of 6, leaving him an orphan.
  • 595

    Muhammad falls in love

    Muhammad falls in love
    Muhammad was hired by a wealthy widow called Khadījah bint al-Khuwaylid and soon fell in love and were wed
  • 610

    Mecca's troubles

    Mecca's troubles
    Muhammad soon begins to realize there is something wrong with the way the people of Mecca live, they do not share their wealth and the tribes are constantly at war with one another. So he ventures to the moutains where after meditation he encounters the angel Gabriel, who taught him the teachings of God.
  • 612

    Muhammad shares his vision

    Muhammad shares his vision
    After preparing for many years to share what he had learned with the world, he finally shares the teachings of God passed from the angel known as Gabriel and began to preach. Muslims eventually came to see Muhammad as a true prophet of God
  • 614

    The Boycott of Muslims

    The Boycott of Muslims
    The people of Mecca were unhappy with this new religion and began to forbid the selling of goods to Muslims, this boycott killed Muhammad's wife and his last living relatives. Around this time Muhammad had another vision of him flying to Jeruselm, but he still didn't leave Mecca.
  • 621

    The First Muslim community

    The First Muslim community
    A group of tribes came to Muhammad seeking guidance for they couldn't stop fighting but they wanted peace, they heard his message and converted to Islam becoming the first Islam community.
  • 622

    Moving from Mecca

    Moving from Mecca
    After all these years Muhammad still knew his followers were in danger so he decided to take them and leave so left Mecca and moved to Yathrib. He gathered all the religious groups of Yathrib and made it into the settlement known as Medina. So now the year 622 is considered the beginning of the Muslim era
  • 622


    Medina was a haven for all Muslims, Muhammad's own house became a mosque. Muhammad lived there with his 11 wives, (because in the Muslim religion you are allowed up to 4 wives unless you are trying to help a women in need). In this city Muhammad had another vision that told him that all Muslims should pray towards the city of Mecca, the former home of the Muslims.
  • 632

    The Death of a Prophet

    The Death of a Prophet
    Muhammad had united most of the Islam community before his death, after his death there was a dispute among the Muslims, who should take over the Muslim community, it was either Ali, Muhammad's cousin or Abu Bakr, his trusted aide. This resulted in the split of the muslim communities known as Shia and Sunni
  • Period: 632 to 634

    Abu Bakkr

    The 2nd Calif who maintained unity among the tribes of Arabia, was victories on the Riddah wars ( a serious conflict fought between Arabs and Muslims after Muhammad's death) and set the motion of the expansion of the empire.
  • Period: 634 to 644


    oversaw the conquest of Persia, Egypt, and Syria
    Established a tax system to manage a large empire,
    Guarantees free religion for "people of the book"
  • Period: 644 to 656


    A single standered Qu'arn for all,
    Member of the Umayyad clan
    Appointed members of family to government positions