Spread of Islam

  • Period: 1 BCE to Jun 17, 656


    -3rd caliph
    -1st to memorize all of the Quran
    -Married 2 of Muhammad’s daughters
    -Expanded the empire
    - N. Africa
    -Caucasus Mountains
    -Family members had authority
    -Angered people
    -Got assasinated
    -Started a civil war
    -The assassins were not punished
  • 570

    Muhammad is Born

  • 595

    Muhammad Marries

    A wealthy widow named Khadījah bint al-Khuwaylid who originally hired him to do work.
  • Jan 1, 610

    Muhammad Suspects Something Wrong

    At age 40, He thinks the people of Mecca are:
    - Always at war
    - Have a lot of money but do not share it with the poor
  • Jan 18, 610

    Muhammad has a vision and Shares his Teachings

    The angel Gabriel was in his vision and he had to tell the people of Mecca of Allah and he was chosen as a prophet
  • Period: Jan 1, 617 to Jan 1, 619

    Muhammad Faces Discrimination

    People begin to tell the people if Mecca whom are not Muslims to never give or sell them food
  • Jan 1, 621

    First Islamic Community

    Mecca became the first Islamic community with Muhammad and people from Yathrib's tribes.
  • Jan 1, 622

    Leaving Mecca

    Beginning of Muslim Era; Muhammad leaves Mecca along with his Muslim followers after feeling threatened and moves them to Yathrib
  • Jan 1, 622


    How it was set up:
    -Muhammad's home was the first mosque
    -Basis for all other mosques today
    How Islam evolved there:
    -Muhammad changed the quiblah from Jerusalem to Mecca
    -Used today
    -Established that a man could have as much as 4 wives
    -Rule could be broken is a man was helping a woman in trouble or in need
    -Financial Trouble
    -Death of other husband
    -Allowed followers to practice faiths freely
  • Jan 1, 632

    Muhammad's Death and Impact

    Muhammad dies at age 62. Islam continues to spread around the world and there are 1.5 billion followers of Islam and Muhammad today. People did not know who to follow so the Sunni and Shia tribes began. This caused wars and disagreements. Some tribes even broke the 5 Pillars and did not pay zakat. Others found new prophets to follow for their faith.
  • Jan 1, 633

    Abu Bakr

    -After Muhammad died, some of his advisers chose Abu to become the new leader.
    -He brought all of central Saudi Arabia under Muslim control and reunited tribes
    -He started the development of the real Quran Interactions with the Byzantines:
    -He declared a "holy war" on the Byzantines
    -He conquered the land DIED IN 634
  • Jan 1, 633

    Riddah Wars

    -Conflicts between Arabs and Muslims
    -The Arabs were followers to Muhammad and not Islam so the wars were to bring their support back -Abu Bakr began a military invasion of ex-Muslims
    -This brought back together the Muslims
    -Caused Arabs to move their violence to other empires
  • Period: Jan 1, 633 to Jan 1, 634


    -Second leader to Abu Bakr
    -Experienced military commander
    -Help expand the religion and concur the Byzantine empire, Syria, and Mesopotamia.
  • Period: Jan 1, 661 to Jan 1, 746

    Umayyad Dynasty

    -Umayyad family ruled
    -N. Africa
    -Central Asia
    -Followed by Abbasid dynasty
  • Period: Jan 1, 750 to Jan 1, 1258

    Abbasid Dynasty

    -Ruled the Muslim dynasty
    -All Islamic Countries
    -Expanded to the East
    -Changed the capital to Baghdad
    -Later, split into non religious dynasties