Muhammad Starts Teaching
Muhammad starts teaching what the angel Gabriel told him to teach. This was the start of the Islam religion. -
The prophet Muhammad introduced the religion to the peninsula. This started the the spread of the religion throughout. Without him, nothing would have ever happened. -
Period: 622 to 700
People were able to spread the religion via trade. Many new people could hear about it and share it with other people they know. -
Byzantines and Sasanians
Arab Muslim armies conquered a lot of the territory once owned by the Byzantines and Sassanian's since they were strategically disadvantaged. -
Muhammad and many of his converts marched to Mecca. They took it over without much bloodshed at all. This started the big spread throughout the peninsula. -
This was one of the big time periods. This was when the first four successors of Muhammad ruled. Had a lot of significant expansion during this time. -
Abu Bakr
First person outside of Muhammad's family to convert to Islam. The first official Caliph after Muhammad's death and helped spread Islam even more. -
Umayyad Caliphate
The second dynasty to rule the peninsula. They came from Mecca, and the third Caliph came from the Umayyad clan. Arab Muslim forces expanded and more non-Muslims were getting involved in things. -
There was a lot of tolerance and acceptance for non-Muslims. this brought people together and made it easier for the ideas to spread around. -
Abbasid Caliphate
The third dynasty to rule after Muhammad. This dynasty descended from Muhammad's uncle in which the dynasty is named after. They also increased the involvement of non-Muslim people. became known as the Golden Age of Islam.