Period: 200 to
Los Iberos
The Iberians lived in settlements on hills in southern and eastern parts of the Iberian Peninsula. It is still not known where exactly they came from or what their descent is. They traded gold, silver, copper, tin, and agricultural products with the Phoenicians. Usaron caballos en sus batallas. Veneraron los dios de el sol, la luna, y las estrellas. -
Period: 416 to
Los Visigodos
The Visigoths were a migratory Germanic tribe. They were able to come to Spain because of the weakness of the Roman Empire. They actually created the horseshoe arch that is usually credited to the Moors. The Romans lost power of the Visigoths and that's when they started to expand. Ellos trajeron fuerze en los invasores. Partieron iglasiases que estan de pie todavia. -
Period: Aug 31, 711 to Jan 2, 1492
Los Moros
The Moors invaded the Iberian peninsula through the Strait of Gibraltar; they came from Africa. They introduced new science to Europe like the astrolabe. Many words in the Spanish language come from Arabic. Los Moros era diferente que los Europeos porque tenía diecisiete universidades para todo el gente. Se trajen los productos como naranjas, limones, y arroz a España. Los Moros are very well known for building la Mezquita in Córdoba. -
Period: Sep 9, 1478 to
La Inquisición
The Spanish government forbade marriage between Christians and Jews. Jews were killed or driven out of the country. Despire the awful events, many Jews remained in Spain after it was over. El gobierno de Espana quiso la raza pura. Uso religion justificar la matanza. -
Period: Sep 9, 1492 to
El Imperio de Español
Fue un imperio mas grande. Goberno de Madrid.
They had territories/colonies in Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia, & Oceania. They intended to expand trade and spread Christianity. The empire was led by conquistadors. Ponce de Leon traveled to New World on Columbus’s second voyage. -
Period: to
La Armada
The Armada was said to be an invincible fleet. It went on a mission to gain control of the English channel. The fleet consisted of 130 ships and 20,000 soldiers along with a number of weapons. The English fleet set their ships on fire and sent them out into the water, which drove the Spanish out to sea. Espanoles huieron a Escocia. El derrota hazo Inglaterra mas potente. -
Period: to
La Guerra Civil
the Rebels (Nationalists) were mostly Roman Catholic, landowners, and businessmen.Republicans were mostly ag workers & middle class. They are still unsure of how many were killed as a result of war. La Guernica & other famous works produced in response of the war. Soviet Union gave supplies to the Republicans. Los Republicanos huieron a la Francia. Revuelta de fuerzas armadas porque el gobierno. -
Period: to
Espana Moderna
In 1975, the dictator Francisco Franco died. The Spanish constitution signed 1978. Catalan became a nation in 2006. There was an economy crisis in 2008 to 2009. El gobierno es un perlamento hoy. El baile y musica de Flamenco es muy popular. -
Period: to Jan 2, 1492
La Reconquista
Problems started when the Moors conquered the Iberian Peninsula.The Reconquista began when King Pelayo defeated the Muslim army in the Battle of Covadonga.
Muchas batallas lucharon durante la Reconquista.
La Iglesia católica quiso desterrar los Moros de Europa.
Isabella and Ferdinand drove the Moors out of Grenada in 1492. Given an ultimatum, they either had to convert to Christianity or leave. -
Period: to
Los Romanos
The Romans made Andalucia a rich and organized colony. Julius Ceasar was governor of Spain in 61 BC. The emperor Diocletian became a Christian on his deathbed; Spain took Christianity short after. The Spanish language started to take shape during this time as well. Ellos exportan aceite de oliva y vino. Los Romanos invadieron la peninsula de Iberia.