Catholic Church
The education in the treaty between Spain and Rome was given over to the Catholic Church. -
Loss of Cuba
After the loss of Cuba, which was the last remnant of the Spanish Empire, the army was overstaffed and over powerful. -
Tragic Week
In a week called 'Tragic Week' many protestors were shot by the army due to protestings about poverty for the peasentry and the proletariat. -
Inefficient government
Kind Alfonso XIII was the leader of the Spain monarchy. In the political perspective of things, Spains' government was inefficient and corrupt. Therefore independence was wanted by the Catalonia and the Basque region. -
Spanish army defeated
A Spanish army was defeated and killed when it tried to put a rebellion against Morocco. And this became a further blow to Spanish pride. -
General Primo de Rivera
General Primo de Rivera became the new ruler of Spain and was to rule until 1930. He became ruler of Spain in a non viloent coup inorder to stop the monarchy from collapsing. -
Morocco war ended
General Primo de Rivera ended the war in Morocco. And he introduced public work schemes such as roads, railways, irrigation schemes and therefore industrial production started to increase. He also suspended the Cortes which were things like parliament, trial by jury and freedom of speech/press. -
The depression state
The Depression came along and hit Spain hard. This included agricultural prices falling, Half of industiral production callapsing and unemployment increasing alot. -
Rivera resigned as ruler
General Primo de Rivera had to resign as ruler of Spain since the army withdrew its support. -
Regions, Church, Army and the Economy
The Church: Jesuits was expelled and therefore religious education in schools were banned and divorces were allowed. In the army many officers were made to retire early on half pay. The economy: The huge estates in Spain such as latifundia were nationalised. Regions: Catalonia received some self-government. -
New fascist party was formed
The Republican government angered the Catholic Church, Military, industrialists and landowners which were the four most powerful elements of society. So they looked for help from the facists which were against their opposition-the left wing government. And therefore under Primo’s son, Jose Antonio de Rivera, a new fascist party was formed (the Falange). -
Spain became a republic
Elections were held again and Republicans won all the big cities in Spain. And in order to avoid civil war, Alfonso steped down and Spain finally became a republic. -
Left and right wing
The government was split into two different groups; Left and Right Wing Republicans. the former wanted fast social developement to appeal to the working classes. To reduce opposition of the Church, landowners and military the other side wanted a more moderate change. -
Over throwing the government
In order to overthrow the government lead by Manuel Azana the prime minister, General Sanjuro set up an army coup. But the military coup was unsuccessful as the army remained loyal to the government. -
republic offends right and left
After the Republic offends the Right, A reactionary party was formed- the Ceda- determined to protect the interests of the Roman Catholic Church and landlords. Republic offends the Left: Two powerful left wing political parties, the anarchists and syndicalists which were powerful trade union groups felt that Azana’s government was too moderate so they both wanted the overthrow of capitalism. -
Withdraw of the working class and the socialists
In an effort to destabilise the government of Azana, the extreme left organised striked and rioted. In this 25 people were killed by government troops who were attempting to catch some anarchists near Cadiz. The working class withdrew a lot of their support for the government because of this and so did the socialists. -
Azana resigns as prime minister
Azana resigned as prime minister and elections were called; CEDA won a majority of support and formed a government led by Gil Robles which held power for what the Left called ‘Two Black Years’. Robles withdrew all of the reforms introduced by the Azana government. To form the Popular font, the Left wing parties joined together and they organised strikes, riots and vandalism. -
Spain was heading towards chaos.
In the Asturias, coal miners started off a general strike but this was put down by General Francos army. Spain was heading for chaos. The Catalans had their privilages and advantages withdraw and they were turned against the government. -
Azana became prime minster again
There was another elction held to restore the order. Azana became the prime minister once again after the left wing won. The Right- Wing formed a National front coalition in reaction = more polarisation. The socialists withdrew their support from the Popular Front government in order to protest at its moderation. Public disturbances started arising putting the country out of control. -
Sotelo was murdered
The right wing politicians were arguing they were in grave danger of a communist takeover because a lead right wing politician named Sotelo was murdered. And therefore they began to favour the idea of a military dictator ship that could be lead by General Mola. -
The Civil War had begun
General Franco expected control of the military and also seized control of Spanish Morocco andhe also crossed over into mainland Spain to take over the government. And then the Civil War had begun.