Spanish History - pre Civil War

By tepity
  • Religion

    The Catholic Church gains complete control over the treaty bewteen Spain and Rome.
  • Military

    After the loss Cuba, the army was overstaffed and very powerful.
  • Social

    Poverty was later a large problem that resulted in bloodshed of protestors that is now known as 'Tragic Week'.
  • Monarchy and Politics

    Spain was a consitutional monarchy and it was lead by king Alfonso XIII.
    Spain's government was corrupt and inefficient. The Catalonia and Basque region, therefore, wanted independence.
  • Spanish Army MAssacre

    The Spanish army was massacred by the Morrocans when it tried to put down a rebellion. This defeat further humiliated Spain and put down its pride.
  • Period: to

    Takeover of Spain

    To prevent a further collapse of the Spanish monarchy General Primo de Renerva took control of Spain.
  • Period: to

    Leadership of Revera

    General Primo de Revera ended the war in Morrocand introduced public work schemes - roads, railways, irrigation schemes. Industrial preoduction increased by three times than it was before. Revera also suspended the Cortes (parliament), trial by jury and freed of speech and press.
  • Period: to

    The Depression

    The Depression has made a hugely negative impact on Spain with the collapse of the inductrial production, the reduction in agricuteral prices and up tp 50% of people unemployed.
  • Resignation of Revera

    Resignation of Revera
    Revera had to resign as the government leader when the army had withdrew its support.
  • Spain a Republic

    Spain a Republic
    The Republicans had won the election over all the major cities in Spain and this lead to Alfonso abdicating his throne to avoid civil war. Spain has become a republic.
  • Split of Government

    The government split between Left and Right Wing Republicans. the Left Wing wanted rapid social reform to appeal to the working classes while the Right Wing Republicans wanted a more moderate change to reduce the opposition of t he church, landowners and military.
  • Period: to

    Formation of the Fascists Party

    The military, industries, landowners and the Catholic Church were angry at the reform Republican government and therefore looked towards the fascists for help against their Left Wing government and a new Fascist party was formed under Primo's son, Jose Antonio de Rivera.
  • Period: to

    Result on the Election

    Catalonia recieved some self government. The Church had Jesuits expelled, RE in schools banned and divorce allowed. Many army officers were made to retire ealy on half pay and the huge states in Spain (Latifundia) were nationalised.
  • Unsuccessful Army Coup

    General Sanjuro lead an army coup to overthrow the the governement that was lead by the prime minister, Manuel Azana. Because the the election was fair, the military coup failed as the army remained loyal to the government.
  • Republic offends the Left and Right

    Republic offends the right: A reactionary political party was formed - the Ceda - to protect the Roman Catholic Church and landlords.
    Republic offends the Left: two powerful left wing politcal parties, the anarchsts and the syndicalists (powerful trade union groups) felt that Azana's goverenment was being too moderate. Both wanted to overthrow Capitalism.
  • Azana Government

    The extreme left organised strikes and riots to destabalise the Azana government. As a result, 25 people werekilled by the government troops who were attempting to catch some anarchists near Cadiz. Tis lost the government a great deal of suppoet among the working class and the socialists withdrewtheir support fromt he government.
  • Azana Government Ends

    Azana reigned as the Prime Minister and elections were called. CEDA won a majority of support and and formed a government led by Gil Robles which held powerfor whatthe Left called 'Two Black Years'. Robles withdrew all the reforms introduced bythe Azana government. The Left Wing parties joined together to form the Popular Front. Together they organised strikes, riots and vandalism.
  • Spain Becomes Chaotic

    General Franco and his army ruthlessy put down the coal miners in Austrias when they started a strike. Spain was heading towrads chaos when the Catalans had their privileges withdrawn and was truned downed agaisnt the government.
  • Azana Relected as Prime Minister

    Azana Relected as Prime Minister
    A general election was called to restore order. Azana once again became Prime minister when the Left Wing popular front won. The Right Wing formed a National Front coalistion in reaction = more polarisation. the socialists withdrew theirsupport from the Popular Front government in protest at its moderation. Public disturbances occurred soon started spiralling the country out of control.
  • Military Dictatorship

    Military Dictatorship
    Sotelo, a leading right wing politician was murdered. The right wing politicians argued they were in serious danger of being taken over by Communists. They began to favour the idea of military dictatiorships that was proabably led by General Mola.
  • General Franco: Rise of the Spanish Civil War

    General Franco: Rise of the Spanish Civil War
    General Framco assumed control of the military, seized control of Spanish Morroco and crossed over into mainaland Spain to takeover the government. The Spanish Civil War has begun.