Jan 1, 1492
Colombus's first voyage
Goal: find a west water route to Asia/India Discoveries: New World, Gold, and Native Americans Area found: Carribean islands and the Bahamas Importance: started spanish exploring in North america because of all the riches he found -
Jan 1, 1519
Cortez voyage
Goal: to find Gold
Conquered:Aztec empire & found 99 tons of Gold
Impotance: sparked interest of many people to explore North & South America since he found lots of Gold -
Jan 1, 1519
Pineda's Voyage
Acomplishments: He was the first to map the Texas coast
and made a report on it
Outcome: his map led to more exploring on the Gulf coast -
Jan 1, 1528
De Vaca's start day
Leader: orignally the leader of the expedition was Narvez
Purpose: to help Narvez find gold -
Jan 1, 1528
De Vaca's discovers Texas
What happened: first the expedition in Florida with Narvez ,the leader, with 300 men. They got left in Florida and built 5 boats to get back to Cuba. Unfortunately they shipwrecked on Galveston because of a Gale. Only 80 survivors and Narvez died. De vaca got seperated from the rest. Him and 3 others became indians slaves. They becamed medicine men but escaped and walked through Central &West Texas. They were found in Cali -eight years later & told stories about 7 cities of gold Years:8 -
Jan 1, 1539
Fray Marco & Esteban's Journey
Purpose: to search for gold
What happened: They discorvered nothing
Report: told that they saw 7 gold cities larger than Mexico City -
Jan 1, 1539
Moscoso's Expedition
Leader: orignally De soto but he dies
Purpose: search for gold
What happened: They discovered the Mississippi River
Importance: gave the same report as Coronado Spanish didn't return to Texas for 150 years -
Jan 1, 1540
Coronado's expedition
Looking for: 7 cities of gold
2 cities: Cibola & Quivera
Importance: Coronado stopped major expeditions for 150 years in Texas since he had a bad report about it