Aug 3, 1492
culumbus first voyage
Columbus was trying to find new land "new world". he founded America. or just got credit for it. its important in history because he founded America. -
Oct 24, 1494
penidas voyage
penida faught cortes. he is important in history because he founded the rio grande -
Oct 24, 1504
cortes voyage
he concored in santo domingo. he concored the aztec empire. it is important in history because he founded santo domingo. -
Oct 24, 1527
de vaca voyage part one start day
narvez was his leader. the purpose was to explore the area and claim land for spain -
Oct 24, 1527
de vava discovers Texas
he was exploring and wondered to now and days called texas. he was there for over 10 years -
Oct 24, 1539
fray marcond esteban journey
their purpose was to study the land. esteban died and fray told nothing about it except that there were 7 cities of gold. -
Oct 25, 1539
moscos expedition
moscosos leader was De soto. he died on the Mississippi river. mososo reported the same thing as coranado. -
Oct 25, 1540
coronados expidition
Coronado was searching for the 7 cities of gold and Quivera. his guide was fray Marcos. he reported do not go to Texas. the importance is that he did not see anything important in texas.