Spanish Exploration

  • Jan 4, 1485


    He conquered Aztecs in mexico
    His importance is sparking the intrest of many people
  • Oct 11, 1492


    He was looking for the new world
    He found gold and goods
    his importance was making 4 trips and starting exploring in North American
  • Sep 30, 1539

    Fray marcos esteban

    Fray marcos esteban
    His purpose of his trip
    he was sent to find the golden city
    he reported the cities of gold
  • May 21, 1542


    mascoso's original first leader was De Soto
    mascoso's purpose was to search for gold
    his leader died during an exploration
  • Sep 22, 1554


    the two cities he searched for cibola and quivera
    his guide was quevaera and he died on the trip
    He discovered texas-palo Duro
    his importance was saying do not go texas
  • Jan 4, 1557

    De Vaca

    De Vaca
    De Vaca's original leader is nereaves
    his original purpose he reported the 7 cites of gold
  • Pineda

    Pineda sailed for the seven gold cities
    His importance was his map of the coast leading to others exploring