Period: to
≥19 military coups
Period: to
Carlist Wars
National Confederation of Labour is founded
-Meant to organize labour movements -
Significant general strike
National Confederation of Labour with the Union General de Trabajores -
Period: to
Example from Russian Revolution
Period: to
Depression is caused by World War 1
Significant strike in Barcelona
Period: to
Rebellion is suppressed
Spain lost at Annual (Morocco)
Result: new reformed Spanish African Army (ignored government and frequently used brutal methods to suppress Moroccan opposition) -
Right-wing military dictatorship is put into place
Period: to
Anarchism is banned
Period: to
Prime Minsiter: Primo de Rivera
Federacion Anarquista Iberica is formed
Meant to prevent ideological backsliding -
Spain got Morocco
Helped by Germany advisors and chemical weapons -
Federacion Nacional de Trabajadores de la Tierra (FNTT) is formed
Establishment of the Republic
FNTT has ≥1 million members
Population of Spain: 24 million
Most Africanistas are leading the revolt. Juntas are supported by the Republic.
Period: to
Spanish Civil War