Spain in the 19th century.

By mcpr
  • French Revolution

  • Napoleon Bonaparte declares himself Emperor.

    After the war, Napoleon declared the revolution over and made himself Emperor of France.
  • Joseph Bonaparte, king of Spain.

  • 2nd May. People rise up against the French.

  • 3rd May. People were executed by French army.

  • Period: to

    Independence War

  • Period: to

    Joseph Bonaparte

  • The first Constitution was written in Cadiz.

  • Fernando VII returns to Spain.

  • Period: to

    Fernando VII king of Spain

  • Fernando VII accepts the Constitution (Rafael de Riego)

  • Fernando VII revokes Constitution. Absolute monarchy.

  • Fernando VII revokes the salic law.

  • Fernando VII dies. Mª Cristina, regent (Isabel II).

  • Period: to

    1st. Carlist war.

  • Period: to

    Mª Cristina, regent.

  • Isabel II, queen of Spain.

  • Period: to

    Isabel II, queen of Spain.

  • Period: to

    2nd. Carlist war.

  • Isabel II leaves Spain.

  • Amadeo I de Saboya, king of Spain.

  • Period: to

    Amadeo I, king of Spain

  • Period: to

    3rd. Carlist war.

  • Amadeo I de Saboya steps down. 1st Republic.

  • Alfonso XII, king of Spain.

  • Period: to

    Alfonso XII, king of Spain.

  • Alfonso XIII, king of Spain.

  • Period: to

    Alfonso XIII, king of Spain.