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Spain in 18th and 19th century

  • Period: Apr 22, 1451 to Nov 26, 1504

    Isabella I of Castile

    Isabella I was the Queen of Castile.Reigen:11 December 1474 – 26 November 1504.
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    Charles II

    Charles II born in 1661 died 1700 , he was the last monarch of the Spanish Habsburg dynasty. Known as "the Bewitched" (Spanish: el Hechizado), he is noted for his extensive physical, intellectual, and emotional disabilities and his consequent ineffectual rule.
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    War of Spanish Succession

    Treaties of Utrecht, Rastatt, Baden: Austria, Great Britain and the Dutch Republic recognise Philip V as King of Spain but he renounces any claim to the throne of France. Spain cedes territories in Europe.
  • Treaty of Utrecht

    Treaty of Utrecht
    The Treaty of Utrecht which was established the Peace of Utrecht, is a series of individual peace treaties, rather than a single document, signed by the belligerents in the War of the Spanish Succession in the Dutch city of Utrecht in March April 1713. The treaties between several European states including Spain, Great Britain, France, Portugal, Savoy and the Dutch Republic, helped end the war. Finaly the Utrecht treaties recognized Philip as the king of Spain.
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    Jovellanos's prose works, especially those on political and legislative economy, constitute his real claim to literary fame. In them, depth of thought and clear-sighted sagacity are couched in a certain Ciceronian elegance and classical purity of style. Besides the Ley agraria, he wrote Elogios, and a most interesting set of diaries or travel journals.
  • New Foundation Decrees

    New Foundation Decrees
    They were a number of decrees signed between 1707 and 1716 by Philip V the first Bourbon King of Spain during the War of the Spanish Succession by the Treaty of Utrecht.Angered by what he saw as sedition by the Catalans and taking his native France as a model of a centralized state, Philip V he took away the institutions, privileges, and the ancient charters of almost all the areas that were formerly part of the Crown of Aragon (Aragon, Catalonia, Valencia, and the Balearic Islands)
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    Charles III

    Charles III was the King of Spain and the Spanish Indies from 1759 to 1788.
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    José Moñino y Redondowas a Spanish statesman. He was the reformist chief minister of King Charles III of Spain, and also served briefly under Charles IV. He was arguably Spain's most effective statesman in the eighteenth century. In Spain, he is simply known as Conde de Floridablanca.
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    Charles IV

    Charles IV was the King of Spain from 14 December 1788, until his abdication on 19 March 1808.
  • Canal de Castilla

    Canal de Castilla
    The Castilla channel, the most important civil engineering project in Spain, was to serve as a means of communication and transportation to solve the problem of isolation suffered by the Castilian plateau due to a complicated relief and a poor road network , Which made it almost impossible to transport agricultural products in the region.
    It crosses part of the provinces of Burgos, Palencia and Valladolid in the autonomous community of Castile and Leon (Spain)
  • Family Compacts (Three)

    Family Compacts (Three)
    The Pacte de Famille are three separate, but similar alliances between the Bourbon kings of France and Spain.
    The third Family Compact was made on 1761 by King Charles III of Spain and Louis XVI in the Treaty of Paris. In this Pact, Spain enters the War of the Seven Years like ally of France against Great Britain. The British occupied the Philippines and Cuba. Charles III recovered these possessions in the Treaty of Paris (1763), but ceded Florida to the British.
  • Esquilache Riots

    Esquilache Riots
    The Esquilache Riots occurred in March 1766 during the rule of Charles III of Spain. Caused mostly by the growing discontent in Madrid about the rising costs of bread and other staples.
    The most obvious political consequence of the mutiny was limited to a change of government which included the exile of the Marquis de Esquilache, the king's chief minister. His status as an Italian contributed significantly to this rejection
  • Jesuists are expelled from Spain

    Jesuists are expelled from Spain
    The suppression of the Jesuits in the Spanish Empire was the result of a series of political movements.The monarchy that sought to centralize and secularize political power to curb the autonomy and confidence of the new Spaniards of America and reaffirm control of the crown and increase income.And they saw the Jesuits as allies of the papacy and too autonomous from the power of the king.
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    Joseph I

    Joseph-Napoléon Bonaparte was a French diplomat and nobleman.
    Reign 6 June 1808 – 11 December 1813
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    Ferdinand VII

    Ferdinand VII was twice King of Spain in 1808 and again from 1813 to his death. After being overthrown by Napoleon in 1808 he linked his monarchy to counter-revolution and reactionary policies that produced a deep rift in Spain between his forces on the right and liberals on the left. He reestablished the absolutist monarchy and rejected the liberal constitution of 1812. He suppressed the liberal press 1814-33. He was know as “El deseado”
  • Salic Law

    Salic Law
    The Salic Law (Lex Salica) is a code of law written around V sigle for the Salian Franks, in Latin mixed with Germanic words.It is a law excluding women from succession to the throne in certain countries, such as France and Spain.
    The Salic Law was introduced in Spain by Philip V, though secretly repealed in 1789: doubts over the validity of this secret repeal gave rise to the Carlist claims to the Spanish throne in 1833, which continued until the 1930s when the Carlist line died out.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    The execution of Louis XVI, through the guillotine, took place on January 21, 1793 in Place de la Révolution, former Place Louis XV and renamed Place de la Concorde in 1795 in Paris.After the events of August 10, 1792, which saw the fall of the monarchy, Luis was arrested, and tried for high treason before the National Convention, and sentenced to death. Luis's hostility to the National Assembly had aroused discontent with his government.
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    War of the Pyrenees

    The War of the Pyrenees was the Pyrenean front of the First Coalition's war against the First French Republic. It pitted Revolutionary France against the kingdoms of Spain and Portugal.
  • Treaty of San Ildefonso

    Treaty of San Ildefonso
    The treaty of San Ildefonso was a military alliance signed between Spain and France in 1796, says Gan Betaña. The main points agreed were the following:
    - military alliance offensive and defensive, with cession of ships and troops.
    Later, more agreements were signed, the most important being the delivery of Louisiana, which would later sell France to the USA
  • Napoleon is crown as emperor

    Napoleon is crown as emperor
    The elevation of Napoleón as emperor was approved by the French citizens in the French constitutional referendum.Among Napoleon’s motivations to be crowned was to gain prestige in the royalist and Catholic international media and lay the foundations for a future dynasty and wanted to establish the legitimacy of his imperial reign with his new royal family and new nobility.The coronation of Napoleón as emperor was in the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, in presence of the Pope Pío VII.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    The Battle of Trafalgar was a naval battle that took place on 21 October 1805, to have control of the sea in Europe. The battle was in the coasts of Trafalgar, province of Cadiz. This naval battle is considered one of the most important of the nineteenth century, where the allies France and Spain faced the British Navy under the command of Vice Admiral Nelson, who won the victory.
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    Peninsular War

    The Peninsular War was a military conflict between Napoleon’s empire and the allied powers of Spain, Britain and Portugal for control of the Iberian Peninsula during the Napoleonic Wars.
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  • Abdications of Bayonne

    Abdications of Bayonne
    The Abdications of Bayonne is the name given to a series of forced abdications of the Kings of Spain, and the imposition of Napoleon to his brother, Jose I, as King of Spain, led to the Spanish War of Independence (1808-1814) . And in the end King Charles IV was forced to abdicate the throne to his son Fernando VII in 1808.
    Napoleon was finally forced to release Ferdinand VII and, on December 11, 1813, and Fernando was named as King of Spain.
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    First Republic of Spain

    The First Spanish Republic was the short-lived political regime that existed in Spain between the parliamentary proclamation on 11 February 1873 and 29 December 1874 when General Arsenio Martínez-Campos's pronunciamento marked the beginning of the Bourbon Restoration in Spain. The Republic's founding started with the abdication as King on 10 February 1873 of Amadeo I, following the Hidalgo Affair, when he had been required by the radical government to sign a decree against the artillery officers
  • First Spanish Constitution

    First Spanish Constitution
    The First Spanish Constitution was approved by the Cortes de Cádiz, the first National Sovereign Assembly of Spain, refugees in Cadiz during the War of Independence. Being one of the liberals of the time.Six weeks after returning to Spain, Ferdinand VII abolished the constitution.The constitution was reestablished during the Liberal Triennium (1820-1823), and again briefly 1836-1837 while progressives prepared the 1837 constitution.
  • Treaty of Fontainebleau

    Treaty of Fontainebleau
    The treaty of Fontainebleau of 1814 was an agreement agreed between Napoleon Bonaparte and the representatives of Austria, Russia and Prusia. After the defeat of the French armies and the occupation of Paris by the forces of the Coalition, the treaty established the resignation of Napoleón and The conditions of his exile to the island of Elba. Where he would remain retired until March of the following year, when he again took course to Paris to begin the period of the One Hundred Days.
  • Riego's Pronunciamiento

    Riego's Pronunciamiento
    On January 1, 1820, the military pronouncement of Lieutenant Colonel Rafael de Riego took place. Riego immediately proclaimed the restoration of the Constitution of Cadiz and the restoration of constitutional authorities. After a small initial success, support for the military coup increased over time and prolonged the uprising until 20 March. On that date a manifesto of Fernando VII was published, obeying the Constitution of Cadiz. The Liberal Triennium began
  • Cien mil Hijos de San Luis

    Cien mil Hijos de San Luis
    France intervened militarily in Spain on April 7, 1823 to support Fernando against the Liberals and restore absolutism, under the agreements of the Holy Alliance. The French army, named after the Hundred Thousand Sons of St. Louis, because that is the number of troops The main objective of the French intervention was to end the liberals in government for three years. The loyal Spanish forces clashed with the French under the command of Espoz and Mina, but they had to withdraw.
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    Three Carlist Wars

    The Carlist Wars were a series of civil wars that took place in Spain during the 19th century. The contenders fought to establish their claim to the throne.
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    Amadeus of Savoy

    Amadeo I was the only King of Spain from the House of Savoy. He was the second son of King Vittorio Emanuele II of Italy and was known for most of his life as the Duke of Aosta, but reigned briefly as King of Spain from 1870 to 1873.
  • Spanish Glorious Revolution

    Spanish Glorious Revolution
    The Revolution of 1868, called the Glorious or Revolution of September, was a military uprising with civil elements that took place in Spain in September of 1868 and supposed the dethronement and exile of the queen Isabel II and the beginning of the period denominated Sexenio Democrático.The first attempt in the country to establish a democratic political regimefirst in the form of a parliamentary monarchy, during the reign of Amadeo I of Savoy , and then in the form of a republic
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    Cuban War

    Cuban War was a conflict fought between Spain and the United States in 1898. Hostilities began in the aftermath of the internal explosion of the USS Maine in Havana harbor in Cuba leading to United States intervention in the Cuban War of Independence. American acquisition of Spain's Pacific possessions led to its involvement in the Philippine Revolution and ultimately in the Philippine–American War.