The National Party was formed
The National Party was formed as an all white party to govern South Africa. The polices of the party included apartheid, the establishment of South African Republic, and promotion of Afrikaner culture. This event was significant because it marked the beginning of the events to come and decades of white rule and black oppression. -
The National Party wins the election
The National party won the general election and DF Malan was appointed prime minister. After the election, the party issued the laws of apartheid and thus the decades of black inequality and oppression began. This event was significant because it marked the beginning of apartheid as a whole. -
The Immorality act, Population Registration act, Group Areas act, Suppression of Communism act
The Immorality act was designed to promote the separation of races through outlawing sexual relations. The Population Registration act created three official races to which all residents would be assigned. The Group Areas act decreed that city centers were whites only. The Suppression of Communism act made the communist party of South Africa illegal. These acts were significant in defining apartheid. -
The ANC launched the Defiance Campaign
The Defiance Campaign was designed to apply pressure on the government and force it into repealing the apartheid system. This was significant because it inspired blacks to fight for their rights and was another step towards freedom. -
The Criminal law Amendment act
This act allowed the courts to hand down longer sentences as well as introduce whipping as a punishment for protesting. This act was significant because it showed South Africa that the government was becoming out of control, and action needed to take place. -
The Freedom Charter
The Freedom Charter became a document of the struggle for freedom. It called for an end to apartheid, an elected democrat, a non-racial government, and equal distribution of the countries wealth. This document was significant because it became a symbol for all Africans to live by and a reason to fight. -
The Sharpeville Massacre
The Sharpeville Massacre was a turning event in South African Apartheid history. When a protest turned deadly, the tensions over apartheid mounted and people sought action. This event was significant because it acted as a spark for all Africans to fight. -
The ANC adopts the MK
The Umknonto we Sizwe, also known as the MK, was formed as the armed wing of the ANC. They launched sabotage attacks against the government led my Nelson Mandela. The MK bombed administration offices, buildings, railways, and jails. This was significant to apartheid because it showed the willingness for peaceful organizations such as the ANC to take matters in their own hands and make a difference. -
The Sabotage act
The Sabotage act of 1962 declared that the government could arrest anyone it believed threatened the security of the country. This was significant because it showed the willingness of the government to go to an extreme to oppress the Africans. -
Rivonia Trial begins
The Rivonia Trials began after 9 anti-apartheid leaders were arrested and accused of sabotage and possible guerrilla warfare. The police found documents to subject them to prison for 30+ years. This was significant because the response of other countries was in support of the people accused. Many nations sanctioned the country and as a result the economy suffered.