South Africa

  • Apartheid officaialy began

    Apartheid officaialy began
    Apartheid officaial began
  • Riots break out

    Riots break out
    Riots break out over apartheid in Johannesburg
  • People are killed protesting

    People are killed protesting
    in the town of Sharpeville 67 Africans are killed protesting apartheid
  • South African becomes repuplic

    South African becomes repuplic
    South Africa becomes repuplic and leaves the Commonwealth
  • Nelson Mandela is arrested

    Nelson Mandela is arrested
    Nelson Mandela is arrested for plotting against the goverment of South Africa. He will spend 27 years in prison for it
  • black Africans forced out

    black Africans forced out
    black Africans are forced out of their homes and into other places to live
  • armed forces in Angola

    armed forces in Angola
    South African armed forces are in Angola
  • 600 killed

    600 killed
    More than 600 black protesters clashed with police in Soweto
  • bombs explode

    bombs explode
    four bombs explode in Soth Africa's only nuclular powere station in Johannesburg
  • South Africa ends apartheid

    South Africa ends apartheid
    president F.W. de Klerk announces the end of apartheid, and so Nelson Mandela is freed from prison.
  • Noble Peace Prize

    Noble Peace Prize
    De Klerk and Mandela are both awarded the Nobel peace Prize.
  • Mandela is president

    Mandela is president
    For the frist time South Africa holds an election where all races can vote and Nelson Madella becomes president
  • constitution

    South Africans new constitution was approved
  • Nelson Mandella steps down

    Nelson Mandella steps down
    Nelson Mandella steps down from being president.
  • Jacob Zuma

    Jacob Zuma
    Jacob Zuma is elected president