Nov 21, 1480
The first European comes to South Africa.
The first European, who discovered South Africa, was the Portuguese navigator Bartholomeu Dias. -
The Dutch man Jan van Riebeeck founds the Cape Colony at Table Bay.
Natal got separated from the Cape Colony.
Diamonds was discovered at Kimberly.
British defeated the Zulus in Natal.
Gold was first discovered in Transvaal.
The first Anglo-Boer War begins.
The second Anglo-Boer War begins
The second Anglo-Boer War ends.
When the war ended Transvaal and Orange Free State was made self-governing colonies of the British Empire. -
The Union of South Africa got established.
The Union of South Africa contained the former British colonies of the Cape and Natal, and the Boer republics of Transvaal, and Orange Free State. -
Native National Congress was founded.
A group of civil disobedience, led by Nelson Mandela, was against the seperation of black and white people.
South Africa declared a republic and was leaded by Nelson Mandela.
Nelson Mandela became president.