Slavery in Africa

  • 1400

    Golden Age

    Africans began to sail around the continent to look for gold.
  • 1500

    Slave exchange

    People began to sell guns and European goods in exchange for slaves.
  • Colonization

    Europe begins to make colonies in Africa.
  • Taken over

    By the 1900s Europe had already taken over most of Africa.
  • Independence for South Africa

    Great Britain granted independence for South Africa.
  • Rebel

    Inspired by type events of World War II, the Africans began to seriously rebel against colonaization.
  • Kikuyu Organization

    The kikuyu people of Kenya made a political organization
  • Invasion

    Italy invaded Ethiopia.
  • Pan-Africanism

    Kwame Nkrumah introduced the idea of Pan-Africanism which was a belief in the unity of all Black Africans worldwide.
  • An Apartheid law

    The Africans known as Afrikaners made an apartheid law.
  • Independence for Sudan

    Sudan gained independence from Great Britain
  • The first civil war in Sudan

    The first civil way started
  • Independence for Ghana

    Ghana gained independence in 1957.
  • Independence for Nigeria

    Nigeria gained independence.
  • Independence for the Belgium Congo

    The Belgium Congo gained independence.
  • Independence for Rwanda

    Rwanda gained independence.
  • Independence for Kenya

    Kenya gained independence.
  • Arrested

    Nelson Mandela was arrested for protesting against apartheid.
  • A new leader in The Congo

    Joseph Motebu seized power in the Congo
  • The end of the first civil war in Sudan

    The Sudan civil war ended
  • Attempt of Independence

    The Igbo people tried to declare themselves independent from Nigeria.
  • A second civil war in sudan

    The second civil war in Sudan began.
  • A new president

    F.W. De Klerk was elected for president
  • End of Apartheid

    The new president announced the end of apartheid and released Nelson Mandela.
  • Nobel Peace prize

    F.W. de Klerk and Mandela were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • First Open Election

    South Africa held its first open election and Nelson Mandela was elected president.
  • Violence in Rwanda Ends

    Violence that broke out in Rwanda Ended.
  • The end of a war

    The second civil war in Sudan ended.
  • A more democratic Government

    People in Tunisia began to agitate for a more democratic government.
  • South Sudan Independence

    Sudan recognized South Sudan’s independence.
  • Ben Ali Resigns

    President Ben Ali resigned and a democratic government was elected.
  • Captured

    Quad if I was captured an killed.
  • Forced to resign

    Mubarak was a dictator in Egypt, he was forced to resign.
  • Replaced

    Mubarak was replaced,