Unknown 7

Sir Isaac Newton Timeline

  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Isaac Newton was an English scientist and mathematician. He created calculus and published about the three laws of motion and the law of the universal gravitation. He was one of the original members of the Royal Society and the president of the society. He also produced important work on optics which is the science of light, he ground his own lenses and studied the diffraction of light through prisms and liquids Also he was the first British person to be knighted.
  • Birth

    On December 25th, 1642 Isaac Newton is born on Christmas Day. He was born in Woolsthorpe, England. He was born a very weak baby and the doctors did not expect him to survive.
  • Education

    In 1653, He attends the village school at age five.At age 11 he attends the King's school in Grantham. He was bullied by his peers and did bad in school. He was motivated to do better and became the best student in the class.
  • Creativity

    While attending Grantham, He starts building and creating stuff like a windmill, clocks, and sundials. He stays at Mr. Clarks house.
  • Cambridge University

    Cambridge University
    At the age of 16, Newton enrolls in Cambridge. His mother wanted him to be a farmer but Newton wanted to attend college.
  • The birth of calculus

    The birth of calculus
    When Newton goes back to Woolsthrope, England he created calculus. He also experiments with the nature of gravity and the origins of colors. He only stays for a year.
  • aha moment

    aha moment
    When Newton went back to Cambridge in 1667, HE was sitting under and orchard tree when suddenly an apple fell on his head. He observed the apple and he wondered why apples fall directly on the ground instead of sideways. It inspired him to create the law of universal gravitation.
  • Principia

    Newton publishes a three volumed book about the three laws of motion and the law of the universal gravitation. He wrote on how the planets move and orbits.
  • The law of attraction

    The law of attraction
    Newton published the principle that every body in the universe is attracted to every other body with a force that is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them
  • Parliament

    In 1689, Newton serves for one year in parliament
  • Optics and Fluids

    Optics and Fluids
    In the year 1703, Newton is appointed the president of the Royal Society and publishes his experiments with lights. His work helped to explain how fluids behave. His work on fluids also helped him to work out the speed of sound.
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    Sir Isaac Newton
    In 1705, Newton is knighted and given the highest honor.He is the first british scientist to be knighted.
  • Death of Sir Isaac Newton

    Death of Sir Isaac Newton
    On March 20, 1727, Newton passes away at the age 84. He influenced the world on his ideas on science and math.