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Significant Past Events - Liz Hilt

By EHilt87
  • Grandma Pushing me on Swing

    Grandma Pushing me on Swing
    My earliest memory is my grandma pushing me on a bright yellow swing and singing to me while I watched the sky and brick house float back and forth. This memory has stuck with me because it reminds me that family, especially my grandma, is very important and they're always there to push you (In a good way!). It emphasized the security fa provides and reminds me to enjoy the blissful, little things in life.
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  • Meeting Rebekah Douglas

    Meeting Rebekah Douglas
    I met my best friend in kindergarten when a boy was trying to cut her long hair with a scissor and I pushed him down. We've been best friends since then depite the 180 miles currently between us. Her friendship has helped shape me into who I was, am, and who I will become.
  • Grandpa's Funeral

    Grandpa's Funeral
    I was with my dad and grandma at the hospital when we were told about his passing. At the funeral, I was too young to focus for so long so my cousins and I played instead and took hikes. I miss my grandpa still but I learned that sometimes death is better than suffering even though it hurts all those involved. I know he watches over us and I still have memories of him so I'm luckier than some of my younger cousins. He is the only person vlose to me that has passed so far.
  • Summer Camp Volunteering

    Summer Camp Volunteering
    My mom worked as a preschool teacher at St. Mark's in Bloomington, IN. During the summer, Rebekah and I would go help with a summer camp where the kids played, explored, and grew. It was so much fun working with preschoolers during the month that I now want to become a teacher and possibly work with that age group.
  • Moving

    My dad's job ws projected to close by the end of 2009 so he found a job in University Park and we spent 2008 packing and househunting and then the day after 8th grade, we packed our house and moved. It was an oppurtunity to start high school fresh. It brought my family closer together than ever before because we only knew each other and had to rely on & empathize with each other.
  • Marching Band

    Marching Band
    The first thing I did after moving was join the Lowell Marching Red Devils. It was the best decision I have made since moving to Lowell. I was immediately introduced to the group of people who I contiune to call my closest friends in Lowell. I've had many great experiences and growing opportunities because of marching band.
  • Meeting Dylan Myers

    Meeting Dylan Myers
    I've been dating Dylan since then and have grown so much by being around him. I understand now how complex relationships are. He helps me loosen up and worry less while I helped him mature (a little bit at least!).
  • Drum Major

    Drum Major
    After weeks of auditions, I got drum major! It was such a rewarding feeling to know I acomplished what I wanted and that others saw my potential. It boosted my self-esteen and caused me to mature because of the sudden increase of responsibility and gain a better understanding of people, leadership, and how to react to a multitude of different situations.
  • Public Mistake

    Public Mistake
    While conducting the band during a practice in the summer before a big competition. for the first time, we were inside the auditorium and I was conducting the pre-show for the first time, completely by myself. All attention was on me and for the first time I started to doubt my ability to succeed. I kept messing up under the pressure. It was the first time I remember learning that it was ok to make mistakes, how you react is more important than the actual mistake.
  • Catholic Youth Xperience

    Catholic Youth Xperience
    I have been going to CYX since my freshman year but during my Senior year I experienced God's love in a way that surpassed every past experience. During Adoration, Jesus talked directly to me and it brought me to tears. We did a service project which really broadened my outlook on Lake County and extended to alter my perception of everything and everyone.