Significant Literacy Experiences

  • Year I was born

    I was born in 1999, I was unable to talk at the time but used crying and screaming as a sense of communication
  • Communicating

    I would begin saying words but not in the correct pronunciation of the words but I was slowly getting the hang of the words. I would say "mama, dada" or name foods I would want.
  • Elementary School

    I started elementary school at age 3 and a half because of my birthday. Sometimes I thought that it wasn't fair for me to start school at a young age but then I believe that it gave me a sense of leverage in my education.
  • Middle School

    I started middle school, throughout middle school I played soccer and made great friendships with my teammates. I got to see how others would communicate and how others would think over certain views.
  • High School

    I started high school and decided to join the IB program. I took IB classes for two years of high school and it helped show me new ways of how to think on aspects of the world and in my education.
  • 2016

    I decided to get out of the IB program and choose to take AP classes to help my gpa and help in aspects of my college applications. AP classes helped show me another way in which to take my work and other aspects of my education. On how to write papers and even on how to do simple tasks on a broader scale.
  • Graduating from High school

    I graduated high school and decided to go to community college to take my general education classes until I decided what to major in
  • Community College

    I started taking general education classes at Howard Community College. By starting with my general education classes it helped me figure out what I wanted to major in. Gave me a sense of guidance with my education.
  • Choosing my major

    I decided to start my major in education, especially in early childhood education. I had always loved children and loved seeing them grow each day.
  • Internship

    I had decided to take an offer for an internship to further understand my career choice. I decided to specialize in special education to help children with disabilities. They bring a sense of light into my career and they always brought smiles while I was at my internship.
  • Teaching Degree

    I am studying to become a special educator, I choose this sense of field because my cousin has Autism and I wanted to further understand my cousins disability. I have always wanted to work with children and I choose this specific career choice because I feel like I'll have a huge impact on children.