70s computer timeline cover

Significant Inventions of Computer History during the 1970's

  • The First Email is Sent

    The First Email is Sent
    Ray Tomlinson is credited as the inventor of the first email system while working on an early version of the internet in 1971.
  • The Birth of Video Games

    The Birth of Video Games
    Allan Alcorn designed the simple videogame called Pong for Atari. The popularity of this game kickstarted the gaming industry
  • The First Call From a Cell Phone is Made

    The First Call From a Cell Phone is Made
    The first cellphone was made by a team of engineers working for Motorola in 1973. The first call was made on 6th avenue in New York, forever changing how we communicate
  • Computers for Personal Use

    Computers for Personal Use
    The first personal computer was the the Altair 8800. It was released to the public in 1974 and completely revolutionized the computer industry.
  • GPS is born

    GPS is born
    The first satellite for the GPS system was launched into orb it by the US government in 1978. A full constellation of 24 satellites was operational by 1998. This changed how people navigate the world forever.