Significant Events Of My Life

  • Birthday!!!

    •December 7, 1998: This was the day of my older sisters third birthday. They were celebrating it at Peter Piper Pizza in Las Cruces, New Mexico. My mother was pregnant with me and wasn't expecting to have me for another month, but I disagreed. I wanted to join the party! This was the day that I was born. This is very significant to me because it is not only mine but my sisters birthday as well. We are almost twins except three years apart!
  • Here we come AZ!

    •2001: This was a big year for my family because it was when we moved away! I was born in Las Cruces New Mexico, but in 2001 my mother decided to move us to Phoenix Arizona. This was a huge change because our whole family lived in New Mexico so we were stepping into new waters and hoping for the best. It was hard at first of course because my mother was a single mom raising two children on her own but she made it through. This meant a new school, new house and new environment for me.
  • Joining Competiton cheerleading!

    •2006: In 2006 my mother decided to put me into a cute cheerleading team! It was all fun and games in the beginning until I wanted a challenge. I started learning the higher level routines because I wanted to and I knew I could do it. It wasn't long after when they put me into the competing team. This was very competitive and costs lots of money.
  • Welcome to High School!!!

    •2013: HIGHSCHOOL!!! AHHHHHH!!! This was the year I started high school, I was very nervous and scared. The school my mother put me in was out of the district my middle school was in. That meant I was the only student from my middle school to go to that high school. The first few days were crazy and being 5ft tall seeing all of the scary high school students was pretty intimidating. A week later I decided to join student government. I never could have been ready for what I walked into.
  • Welcome to the Family!

    •August 5, 2014: This was the day my mother had my baby sister Aubrey. This was bittersweet for me because the father was a terrible man who was an alcoholic. He was constantly emotionally abusing my mother, older sister, and I. Despite her father I knew I would love her unconditionally because she was my half sister. This changed a lot in my life because my mother and her boyfriend were now tied together by a baby.
  • High School cheerleading!

    •2015: Even though I was in student government and my advanced classes which already took up much of my time I decided to try out high school cheerleading. This was mostly because my mother couldn't afford to pay for competition anymore. This was definitely a change for me because being a cheerleader in high school is not the same as being a competition cheerleader. Cheer was now a closer part to my school life than it was before.
  • Marching Band!

    •2016: Junior year was coming up and I wanted a change. On top of my AP classes, Student government, and cheerleading I decided to join my schools Marching Band! This was such a different environment for me, the people were nothing like any of the cheerleaders or student government kids I had met. They were crazy and funky in all of their own ways. I decided to join flagline during marching season while I learned the clarinet. I then got a concussion in cheer and had to go to percussion.
  • Murder.

    •October 21, 2015: I was at school when I was called to the front office only to see my mother crying hysterically. I had no idea what was going on until I was home and my mother told me that my father was murdered. My world was turned around completely. I had no idea what I was doing anymore. I went into a deep depression and was not even sure if I wanted to do cheerleading, student government, or band. I ended the year with the worst grades I had ever gotten and failed Junior English.
  • Elections!

    •March 2016: Student Body elections were this month, this was going to be my biggest election yet. I had been Vice President for the last two years, this was planned because I had known I wanted the position since I joined. The day of the results I left because I was sure I didn't win. I got a call from my bestfriend screaming about how I had won. I started crying in joyful tears. I knew what was going to be expected and I knew I had to step up to the plate to meet the expectations.
  • Hello Future!

    •2016: Today is important because no matter how hard it is dealing with the murder of my father I know I cant let that stop me from achieving my goals. Sometimes it is very hard but I know I can do it. I am determined to pass junior English and graduate high school to male my father proud and to make myself proud. Senior year will consist of student government, cheer leading, marching band, working a fulltime job, and online high school. Its not going to be easy but hard doesn't mean impossible.