Significant events in my life.

  • I was born

    I was born
    This was the time when I was born and I took my first breath. It was a cold afternoon. I was born at 6:45 pm at Mount Vernon NY Hospital. All the time when I passed near that hospital, I would try to imagine what it was like that day and how my parents reacted when they had me. I was to a surprise when I first saw that hospital and didn't know it existed. I passed by it one day and my mother told me. " Do you know what that is?" I said "No." She told me "It was the hospital you were born in."
  • My first experience with a fishing rod

    My first experience with a fishing rod
    Fishing is one of most of my natural highs. If I would to this day to go fishing everyday I would. I love to fish. I really don't know why maybe its the way how a fish fights or how cool the scenery gets to me. Every time I go fishing, I get up early and I'm the first one to get ready. I also look at YouTube videos to improve on my fishing tactics and to improve fishing spots to catch fish. This video helps me to find good spots.
  • Getting my first dog

    Getting my first dog
    My first pet changed my life forever. I didn't feel alone whenever I came back home from school, I would be always near my dog and play with it. I named my dog Max. At first I wanted a bigger dog but instead I actually liked owning a Maltese. This type of dog doesn't shed hair which was a bonus for my mom and dad. I liked playing with Max because he was small and wouldn't knock me down and would play with me all day. He never lost the energy to play with me. Unlike bigger dogs. I miss him.
  • My first computer

    My first computer
    This is where I got into technology as years went on and I saw the internet the first time. I was fascinated on what the internet was capable to do. A computer was the best way to understand the internet or the web. I started first looking at YouTube videos believe it or not. To my surprise I could actually find videos that I wanted to watch. I still see channels growing and I wanted to do YouTube videos in the first place, but decided not to. Its a great start for video games aswell.
  • First time going to a hunting trip

    First time going to a hunting trip
    It was a cold day in October where we went hunting for turkeys. It was one of the best times in my life where I saw my own dad shoot a turkey and harvest it. I fell in love with the sport and it is my natural high. Hunting gets my into a rush. Waking up early in the morning is the worse part because I want to sleep during school weeks. However, the earlier bird gets the worm. During the morning its the best time to hunt. The animals just wake up and scatter for food. I love this sport to I die.
  • Moving to a new town

    Moving to a new town
    Moving to Brewster New York to start a new life away from a horrible city that was dangerous. Brewster was the perfect move due to less crime and better schools. Brewster was a destination where my cousins were located. I actually liked the town of Brewster. It was a place I always a dream of mine to go to Brewster Schools. I actually looked inside the school and my old school and it was better than my school. I didn't have a lot in my old school compared to Brewster.
  • First time I flew Over Seas

    First time I flew Over Seas
    I went over seas to go to Portugal, Switzerland, France, and Spain. It was to meet my family over seas and have a party for my God Mother's 50th birthday. I haven't slept for 24 hours during that flight. When I got there, I didn't feel well. I felt cranky and didn't want to go to my God Mother's birthday party. I realized that I need sleep and sleep is very important in one's schedule. If you don't get enough sleep you will not have any energy in doing anything. It really stinks to not sleep.
  • First time raising chickens

    First time raising chickens
    Chickens are a way to see how the world works. Animals come and go. They also produce eggs and to see how nature actually works. Owning chickens is a responsibility that leads up to making your parents trust you more. It also helps to doing homework. Where you need to get something done, you have to get it done. No ifs, ands, or buts. I made a chicken coop with my father and I saw a video to get an idea to make one. Here it is
  • Playing for a soccer team

    Playing for a soccer team
    First time I played for a soccer team who was Brewster. I played for JV and scored my first ever official goal in a league. Soccer gets your mind off everything that you have during school. Its a way that makes you get weight off your shoulders and reduce stress. Stress is a major thing in my life when it comes to overload of things due. I watched YouTube videos to get better everyday. I see this channel that gives tips and tricks.
  • First time I cooked food

    First time I cooked food
    To this day I cook for a reason. Cooking is an important activity in my family. We all cook and it is a part of a survival skill that people need to learn how to do. Cooking food is a way get a hobby going. It helps in a way where when your parents aren't home you can make something for yourself. It is good for someone to learn so you don't have to waste your money on take outs. It is a healthier alternative to takeout.