Period: to
Significant computing
Maurice Wilkes assembled the EDSAC, the first practical stored-program computer, at Cambridge University -
The National Bureau of Standards constructed the SEAC in Washington as a laboratory for testing components and systems for setting computer standards. The SEAC was the first computer to use all-diode logic, a technology more reliable than vacuum tubes, and the first stored-program computer completed in the United States. -
Digital Equipment Corp. introduced the PDP-8, the first commercially successful minicomputer -
Atari 400 & 800
Atari introduces the Model 400 and 800 Computer. Shortly after delivery of the Atari VCS game console, Atari designed two microcomputers with game capabilities: the Model 400 and Model 800. -
Apple Lisa
Apple introduced its Lisa. The first personal computer with a graphical user interface, its development was central in the move to such systems for personal computers. -
We'd call it the portal to the Web, except portals aren't this easy to use. The search bar is rapidly becoming the sippy cup of culture ' with more than partial thanks to Wikipedia, Google's query shortstop. -
YouTube, the most popular video sharing website, is founded.