The Birth of Sigmund Frued
Sigmund was born in Frieberg Czechoslovakia in 1856. He was the first child. He had 7 siblings. This is important because at this time Frued became alive. (Mickels 234). -
Elementary school
Sigmund went to a local elementary school starting in 1866. He studied many subjects such as Greek, latin, math, and history etc.. He was a very superior student. This is important because in order to get to his accomplishments he needed to first get through his chldhood education. (Mickels 234). -
Sigmunds Writing
Sigmund wrote his first scientific paper in 1876. This was first of many scientific papers. A year after his paper he conducted his first scientific research project. This is important because not only was it his first paper but it was the start to much research and many other papers to come. (Mickels 234). -
In Panama they began to build the Panama Canal in 1880. The canal is 48 miles long. The canal is also 90 feet in depth. This is important because the Panama Canal was a major advance in trade and allowed a new shortcut. (hisotryorb). -
Frued recieved his doctorate of medicine in 1880. He was 24 when he recieved it. He spent it in jail though because he went AWOL. This is important because this marked an important moment in his life and a doctorate requires a great deal of schooling and was a great achievement. (Mickels 235). -
The Wife
Sigmund met his wife Martha Bernays in 1882. Sigmund got engaged then they were forced to seperate for four years. While they were seperated he sent her 900 letters. This is important because now Sigmund could start a family of his own and was a special part of his life. (Mickels 236). -
He published " Studies on Hysteria" in 1895. Josef Breuer and Sigmund Frued wrote it together. It contains studies of Hysterics. This is important because it was a popular book. (Mickels 236). -
Wrote a Book
The book was called "The Interpretation of Dreams" in 1901. It could relate to every man. Almost like the symptoms of a hysteric person. This is important because it was very relatable. (Mickels 238). -
Trans-Siberian Railway
The Trans-Siberian railway was finished in 1904. It is the longest railway line in the world. The Trans-Siberian Railroad is a network of railways connecting Moscow with the Russian Far East and the Sea of Japan This is important because it is a huge railroad that linked much of Asia and is still used and expanded today (historyorb). -
Emperor of China
Three year-old Pu Yi becomes emperor of China in 1908. He was the last Emperor of China and the twelfth and final ruler of the Qing Dynasty.He was titled the Xuantong Emperor. This is important because he was 3 so it is very interesting that he could be an emperor and he was very important in Chinese history. (historyorb). -
North Pole
Robert Peary becomes the first to reach the North Pole in 1909. Today it is thought he may of been about 30 miles away from the North Pole, but he is still known to be the first man to reach it. Peary had not only led this expedition to reach the North Pole but he had also led many other in his lifetime. This is important because no one had ever reached the North Pole before and it was a major accomplishment. (Historyorb). -
The Titanic Sinks
The sinking of the RMS Titanic occurred on the night of 14 April through to the morning of 15 April 1912. It was in the north Atlantic Ocean, four days into the voyage. The largest passenger liner in service at the time, Titanic had an around 2,224 people on board when it struck an iceberg. This is important because it is a majorly famous disaster and stole the lives of many innocent people. (Historyorb). -
First Traffic Light
The world's first electric traffic signal was put into place in Ohio in 1914. It consisted of 4 pairs of red and green lights that used stop-go indicators, each on a corner post. The system was made so that conflicting signals were impossible. This is important because now traffic could be conducted much more easily and traveling by car would be much safer and easier. (Historyorb). -
The Growth
The growth was cancerous. It was located in his mouth and lead to his death in 1923. After 16 years of suffering and 33 operations after which he died. This is important because it led to his death. Mickels 241). -
House Arrest
His family was put under house arrest by Germans in 1938. They were permitted to Australia. This happened in June. This is important because they could not leave their house. (Mickels 240). -
Sigmund died in 1939. He perished while undergoing surgery. His influence on the 20th century is incalculable. This is important because he was a major influence that now fell to his death. (Mickels 237).