2.1-Typical maturer
I think my puberty comes early than my parents's period. That year I started to have periold, I was shock and did not know what I should to do. That time I asked my friends what I should to do with this. After that I went to home and asked my mother for more clearly with it. My mom was very glad to see my body changed. I did not understand and realized what going on my body. It takes me for a while to understand it. I wish I know it more or before, so that way I can be prepare for it. -
6.1- parent adolescent conflict
I was a good teenage child. I dont have everyday issue with my parents. Sometime I will have moody with my parents when my parents were not satisfy me. Like they did not pay attention enough on me. Although I did not have parent adolescent conflict with my parents, I had conflict with my grandparents. That time I lived with my grandparents, when I had a boy friend, my grandparent was so mad at me and told me that I cannot have a boyfriend. I dont understand why and that was so conflict. -
“1.1 Entering Adolescence”
That year I was 13 years old, one day in class, I showed my teacher that I know most thing and was very egocentric. My teacher was mad and talked me after class. After that I did not show my ego anymore. I also wished spend more time with my peer. I think because of ego that made me think that I was adolescence. I think my adolescence was match with transition for short period. I had some what adolescence should have. -
8.1-riteof passage.
I remember that day was my first experience that I lived without parents and started to entry into other life, such as early adulthood. I was not realize or never think that my parents would left me like this way. I remember that was difficult feeling that I ever had. the book mentionted that entry into adulthood. I think this matched in some way. Most informatation and details which are from book that I had not experiences because I had different life expeirences than everyone others. -
“1.2 Emerging Adulthood”
That year I think I was become an adult because I learned how to washed clothes by myself.Cleaned house and room, bought fruits, toilet paper, and ride bus to school by myself. That time I realized that I already become an adult because I feel I have obligations to take care of myself. I was very independence person. I dont think my transition to aduthood match the transition to adolescence on the textbook. I did not have time to transfer my emoiton to different lives. -
4.2-Non-gender typed behavior
I remember that time I was like tomboy. I did not act like a girl behaviours. I also play soccer with boys sometime. I did not show my emotion and regulation that time. I talked with boys just like my friends because we talked about sports and cars and anything others. I also was little aggression when I play with boys in sports. For relationship, I was not aggression. I dont now how to show my emotions and dislike feelings. I alwasy enjoyed to play with them when I had chance to play. -
6.2 Ego Support
I remember when I was adolscent, I had one friend that she always give me exectation of support. When we do our math homework, we always give feeback to each other and figure out how to solve prolbme in math. We also help each other to maintain an impression our competent. She was good in math, I was good in english. We always help each other. I think that was very match with our textbook. That is teenage period that we do help each other. That is how our friendship develop because of egosupport -
7.3-Intrinsic Motivation
I think I liked the feeling when I got good grades and more knowledge. I feel my movtivation is from I am thirst for knowledge. Also my parents were not there, there are nobody real responsiblity for me, so I had to be responsibility for myself. My school required me to pratice art, I never pratice and experience before, but my self-determination told me that I had to pratice it because that way I can go to deaf college, so my motivation affect my achievement. Some experience matched in the book -
3.2- Abstraction
I remember that year I felt I was very confident with myself because I know many things that my classmates and friends dont know. In school, people always ask me why and how to spell for some words. That time I felt like I thought I am pretty good and very smart in knowldege and language things. I also can feeling that I am differention than everyone other because of my ability and read levels. I love read books and discussions. I also image that I can become a writer in future. -
4.1-Gender-typed behavior
Look back when I was in adolsecence period, for communication in relationships, I thought I was more of report talk because I alwasy give and share information with my friends. we talked about school, male, teachers, games, and different things etc. I also had emotion and regulation with I had a boy friend in school. When I had problem with boy friend, I alwasy express my emotion. I showed my smile, my crying, and anger etc. That really can help me feel better after express my emotion with peers -
7.1-Transition to High School
I looked back to my high school period I did not have such experiences as book describles. Like dropping out. I had parents and teachers support me during my high school years. Also I was a good child during my high school years. I had great grades in all my classes during high school. I did experience that people talk bad or audism to me. When I hear bad things from people, I alwasy talk with my mom. She gave me great support during my high school years that never make me dropping out. -
2.2- Niche-picking.
When I wasn an adolesent I alwasy spend time to read books. I was set a mini library for my class in our classroom. Everyone brought books from her/his home. I spent my time to read these books which my classmates brought from home. I also always went to book stores to find new books which I want to read. I felt that I was very compatibility with the evironment I had. I think I also get some genotype from my mother because my mother is one who love read books. I am gene-environment interactions. -
3.1-Personal Fable.
That year was my first time introduce about my ex boyfriend to my grandmathor. I was think she accept and gave a warm welcome, but she did not accept and welcome him, and she made me look fool. Things were not going like what I think, My grandmother did not understand how my feeling and I was frustrated that time. Formal operational: I think grandmother will show some respect and accept my choice. I never experience how to talk with my grandma about him. It was only base on my idealistic way. -
3.3- Social Comparison
I remember I always compare with my friends and classmates in math and english classes because we want to see who is the best on something. One time, I and my classmates do homework and tried to see who can finish first. We were not always campare for academic things, also compare for art match. We all worked hard to pratice how to draw a beautiful artwork, and all want the first place. Sometime comparison can help me do well in school, but not always that way, also I had to keep balance. -
7.2-Transition to College
After I graduated from high school, I started my college life since 2010. That was completed different life style from high school. I start to depend on myself to remain my homeowrks and duties that I need to do. Anything is done by mysel. Sometime, I felt so stress because I wanted pass all classes. I always talk with my teachers about grades when i worried. I also start to experiene in relatiosnhip. It was very emotion and I learn how to control them I think it matches the textbook describle. -
6.3 Companionship
I remember I always spent time with one of my friends everyday when I was adolescents. We always talk about something we interest with, like clothes, friends. books, different things. We also spent a lot time eating, do homework, shoppoing together. We also join different collaborative activietis during our school years. Like jump line togehter, dance team, etc. We were very happy with each other. I think the our friendship was very match how the textbook describles and it made sense.